The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times

by: Michelle Obama (0)

#1 NEW YORK TIMES AND USA TODAY BESTSELLERĀ ā€¢ ONE OF TIMEā€™S 100 MUST-READ BOOKS OF 2022 ā€¢ In an inspiring follow-up to her critically acclaimed, #1 bestselling memoir Becoming, former First Lady Michelle Obama shares practical wisdom and powerful strategies for staying hopeful and balanced in todayā€™s highly uncertain world.
Ā  There may be no tidy solutions or pithy answers to lifeā€™s big challenges, but Michelle Obama believes that we can all locate and lean on a set of tools to help us better navigate change and remain steady within flux. In
The Light We Carry, she opens a frank and honest dialogue with readers, considering the questions many of us wrestle with: How do we build enduring and honest relationships? How can we discover strength and community inside our differences? What tools do we use to address feelings of self-doubt or helplessness? What do we do when it all starts to feel like too much? Ā 
Michelle Obama offers readers a series of fresh stories and insightful reflections on change, challenge, and power, including her belief that when we light up for others, we can illuminate the richness and potential of the world around us, discovering deeper truths and new pathways for progress. Drawing from her experiences as a mother, daughter, spouse, friend, and First Lady, she shares the habits and principles she has developed to successfully adapt to change and overcome various obstaclesā€”the earned wisdom that helps her continue to ā€œbecome.ā€ She details her most valuable practices, like ā€œstarting kind,ā€ ā€œgoing high,ā€ and assembling a ā€œkitchen tableā€ of trusted friends and mentors. With trademark humor, candor, and compassion, she also explores issues connected to race, gender, and visibility, encouraging readers to work through fear, find strength in community, and live with boldness.
Ā  ā€œWhen we are able to recognize our own light, we become empowered to use it,ā€ writes Michelle Obama. A rewarding blend of powerful stories and profound advice that will ignite conversation,
The Light We Carry inspires readers to examine their own lives, identify their sources of gladness, and connect meaningfully in a turbulent world.

The Reviews

Looking forward to reading this book

Michelle Obama is an excellent writer! I've ordered this book for a family member & I know without a doubt that it will be well received!

Call me oppressed! Call me helping the rich get richer! SHE is a bright light in this awful world. Her words are contributions from her heart to ours.You donā€™t even have to buy or read the book to see it. Look at all the negative people that go out of their way to come here to leave hate filled reviews. The time they spent focused on Mrs. Obama that theyā€™ll never get back just to focus on her? Shows she truly IS making an impact and they donā€™t want that!She keeps sharing her words of knowledge and love, so that will never happen. Iā€™m adding it to my collection and will refer to it often.Thank you Michelle.

Didnā€™t like I was expecting vetter

Love love love! Itā€™s always great to hear from intelligent and down to earth First Ladies such as Michelle, Dr. Jill, Hillary, and Laura Bush. Great practical advise!

This is a wonderful and insightful study of how to approach the challenges America faces, from one of the strongest and smartest patriots around. She demonstrates how to face the people who would undermine the foundations of our Democracy from a position of strength, integrity, and honor.

These people are clueless of how to serve, all they care about is getting rich off the backs of hard working real Americans!

I was really looking forward to reading this, but it was actually quite bad

this mans book was awful, would not recommend.

If you havenā€™t read this book then please donā€™t hate on it. I really donā€™t understand why all the negativity??? How can you hate the book before itā€™s even released ?!? Smh šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøThis is a good book and a must to have in any library. šŸ“– šŸ“š šŸ˜ƒ

I loved her book becoming and Iā€™m half way info reading this one and love it as well!!

the product was fine. but the instructions were to put at front door. is was just put in my driveway.the comment said it was handed to me and it was NOT

Michelle has knocked it out of the park again with this book.

Must to read!

This is an amazingly uplifting book for times such as these. First Lady Obama is sharing her humanity and it i worth a read. CAUTION : As always there are going to be trolls that haven't read this book and want to hide their racist views in a bad book review. Ignore them, it's not the book, it's the author and they really ought to be ashamed of themselves.

This is a book everyone should read in these uncertain, divided times. Like she always does, Michelle Obama has a way of writing that makes it feels like sheā€™s right there in the room with you, holding your hand and telling you things are going to be ok. The strategies she outlines in her new book are simple to carry out, but oh so effective! Thank you, First Lady Obama, for sharing your wisdom with us! America is a better place because of the Obamas!

I purchased this book after watching the Robin Roberts interview with Michelle Obama. She is an unique class woman with lots of wisdom.

Michelle Obama's book offers an engaging and helpful way to handle the fear and anxiety so many are experiencing during these challenging times. She is an inspiration!I saw several negative reviews that appear to be politically based - it's unfortunate that those readers didn't get the message of unity despite political differences.Thank you, Michelle, for your insights and for modeling integrity, authenticity and courage!

I ordered this due to how much I loved Becoming Michelle, her first book. I have gotten through the introduction and am amazed at how this book is hitting all the issues people have been wrestling with in the last few years. The pandemic and its side effects, uncertainties in the strength of our democracy to combat the direction our government was going, the mental health issues,

I received this book on a Wednesday and finished on Thursday. I couldn't put it down! A glimpse into the real struggles and challenges of such a dynamic human provided me with tools to cope with my own internal challenges. I highly recommend. I'm starting it over next week because it's just that good!

Love it so far! Arrived in good condition. Unfortunately, ā€œmenā€ who probably canā€™t even read want to leave negative reviews just because they hate her husband and anything they do. Imagine having so much spare time and anger you leave negative reviews on a book youā€™ll never read. Still going higherā€¦.

I have only read the intro and first chapter but love this book! Very honest and insightful. I love the way she writes.

Anything about this first family is just amazing. The positivity and ability to encourage growth.

This book captures our State of the Union for me at the start of the Covid-19 out break. I rememberthe virus filled our daily news with the daily death rates, hospitals filled with patients , Pandemic lock downs , and the prospects of a another Civil War in the United States of American.We need this books that speaks to the better angels of our nature.

I bought this book as a Christmas gift for my daughter who is going thru a horrendous divorce and this will be her first set of holidays alone!

I am really enjoying this book. MO really share some interesting insights. I love this book for what it is. I would recommend reading it .

Such a timely read. Perfect gift.

I just started reading Michelle Obamaā€™s new book and I am really enjoying it so far. I am not finished yet, but from what I have read so far I would recommend it.

Very well written and itā€™s good to see that we all go through similar experiences but how we react to them determines our character.

This book was absolutely amazing ordered it the first day it came out so much power in this book

Such an inspirational message that this world needs to hear right now. Michelle, I am so thankful that you and Barack were brought into our lives. The world is a better place because of both of you! Sending you much love!!!

There is no greater gift when we are stressed than a friend who provides just the comfort we need. For most of the world, the past few years have been hell. After reading this book, I felt as if I had a new friend, wise and compassionate, smart and generous. She has slipped her hand into mine, sharing warmth and hope. I have learned much and will continue to learn. Thank you so much, Ms. Obama!!

I love Michelles writing. Sheā€™s thoughtful and detailed with a beautiful outlook on life.

In The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times, Michelle Obama has an honest dialogue with her readers as she faces her own vulnerabilities. During the pandemic lockdown, she picked up knitting to keep her thoughts and hands moving forward quite like Madame Defarge in The Tale of Two Cities. Women have found great calm and comfort in this art form during stressful times, for centuries.Michelle Obama then gives a list of tools that have been helpful to her as she navigated both the White House years and the post White House years. She has given herself permission to feel uncertain as most people do at varying points. That is when she relies on her closet friends when they have their Kitchen Table talks, or she exercises, walks, or talks things through with her husband and family.She looks back over her life when she was often a minority or the only person of color in the room. But her mother prepared her to think for herself and as a kindergartener, she set her own alarm clock and walked to school alone, a short distance away. She learned how to be independent, solve problems and was allowed to voice her opinions at home. She was being prepped for her future role as First Lady of the United States.This book encourages its readers by giving them a host of antidotes to dealing with low self-esteem and shows readers how to survive and excel. The Light We Carry should be on every young professionalā€™s bookshelf or Kindle!

Michelle Obama IS my hero. Growing up, she struggled to find her own hero. But for me, she is everything! Candid, likable, brilliant, kind, empathic and engaging. I particularly loved her relating her life episodes to underscore her points. And I was touched at how much she adored both her parents!!!! A great book!!!!!

I highly recommend this book. It is an awesome read. This is the perfect gift for the younger people in your life too.

First Lady Obama writes her book from her heart. Truly inspirational and a good read.

This book is such a joy to read! She doesnā€™t lecture us (the readers) about how we should live our lives. She lets us know what works for her. Iā€™ve wanted to know the secret to her fabulousness for many years! This may shock youā€¦.butā€¦ Michelle Obama is human! She experiences fear, anxiety, loneliness, uncertainty and a plethora of other human emotions! Her stories are so relatable it makes you think ā€œmaybe, just maybe I can work through some of my stuff too!ā€ I look forward to greeting myself in the mirror with some renewed insight tomorrow morning!

This book is not only affirming but inspiring. I wish I could have read it in my twenties or earlier. It gives me hope that the future is not so bleak. It comforted me that I in fact was doing ok when I believed I wasn't. It renewed my faith in human kind and rekindled confidence in the political and general world. It restated that mistakes are opportunities to learn. It gives rd me courage to speak up when things are wrong.Thank you Michelle Obama

As an 88 year old American first generation woman, I have recognized this being the year of the woman. My e evidence is this courageous sharing of experience,strength and hope by a real woman of our times. It is a handbook for life. Thank you Michelle.

Michelle Obama continues to share the stories, the humor, and the wisdom she began in her book, ā€œBecomingā€. I laughed, smiled, and felt like I was having a visit with a dear friend. She offers advice and insights for these times we live in.

Michelle Obama is a gifted writer. This like her first book is clear and easy comfortable reading. Her insights and commentary are grounded in common sense and yet deeply moving. I highly recommend this book as a guide to move through these turbulent times.

There was something in each chapter that I could relate to in my life. It was so helpful. Now to try and place this knowledge in my life piece by piece. Thank you again Michelle Obama for a wonderful book. You are a trasure.

The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times
ā­ 4.6 šŸ’› 358
kindle: $16.99
paperback: $24.19
hardcover: $17.75
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