Lighter: Let Go of the Past, Connect with the Present, and Expand the Future

by: Yung Pueblo (0)

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • “An empathetic and wise book that will guide you on a journey toward a deeper understanding of self.”—Nedra Glover Tawwab, LCSW, New York Times bestselling author of Set Boundaries, Find Peace
A radically compassionate plan for turning inward and lifting the heaviness that prevents us from healing ourselves and the world, from the New York Times bestselling author of Clarity & Connection

“During the years when I had abandoned myself, my mind felt undeniably heavy. I knew I needed to find a clear way to help me feel lighter.”
  yung pueblo’s path to deep healing began only after years of drug abuse had taken a toll on his mind and body. Searching for a way forward, he found that by honestly examining and addressing the anxieties and fears that he had been running away from, he no longer felt like a stranger inside of his heart and mind. And once he dedicated himself to meditation and trusting his intuition, he started to finally feel mentally lighter, with more love emerging from within. This was not an easy journey, and it's one that he is still on, but it showed him that real healing is possible.

Lighter, yung pueblo demonstrates how we can all move forward in our healing, from learning self-compassion to letting go to becoming emotionally mature. As the heaviness falls away, our minds will finally stop feeling overburdened with tension and we’ll be able to reconnect with the present. And the world around us will hopefully become more inviting in crisp and newly vibrant ways. But these are just the first steps. As we grow stronger and expand our self-awareness, it’s our responsibility—and also part of the healing journey—to take actions to support the health and harmony of all people. The final section of Lighter shows how we can and must contribute to building a world that is no longer structurally harmful but, instead, structurally compassionate. 

yung pueblo’s hope is that as more of us heal, our actions will become more intentional, our decisions will become more compassionate, our thinking will become clearer, and the future will become brighter.

The Reviews

This book has twelve main chapters, and a total of about 270 pages. Each chapter ends with a “Reflections” section, where the author poses a series of questions for you to ask yourself, as you consider the ideas in the chapter and analyze your own progress on this journey.Yung Pueblo is known for his short inspirational quotes and his poetry, and he includes both interspersed throughout the book; some between chapters, some in the middle of chapters to highlight some of the ideas.The Introduction begins with Yung Pueblo telling his own story, starting with hitting rock bottom after suffering from drug addiction. He recalls the improvements he noticed when he started to make positive changes in his life, including the benefits he gained from starting Vipassana meditation. In the first chapter he discusses self-love; stressing that his definition does not include materialism or becoming egotistical, rather the goal is more self-analysis and awareness. The next few chapters cover healing through attention and acceptance, recognizing your tendencies and conditioning, living in the present, and freeing yourself from cravings and attachments.The book continues with ideas focused on healing and personal growth. Pueblo discusses emotional maturity, compassion, intuition, relationships and heartbreak, communication and flexibility, identity, creativity, and community. He covers ego and balance, and he ends the book with ideas for cooperation and healing on a global scale by practicing compassion and refraining from habits that dehumanize others.Overall, I enjoyed reading this book and appreciated some of the wise insights provide by the author. I am always interested in books that promote unity and compassion, focusing on humanity’s similarities instead of our differences; and Yung Pueblo includes many of those elements in this book. The main focus though is still on specific advice and ideas that can help you as the individual, by practicing self-reflection and learning to think about your life from a different point of view, grounded in the present. 4.5 / 5 .

I’ve loved his work in the past but this book is amazing. Touches so many human feelings that are difficult to express. Makes you feel seen, heard, understood. All the things. Great read

The last couple of years have been tough. I think this probably about the only thing most people can agree with. Even the simple act of getting off breathing seems to take more effort than it should. The world is a heavy place, mentally emotionally and that effects us all physically. People are carrying a lot in their souls and it doesn't seem like it is getting easier. Lighter by yung pueblo, pen name for Diego Perez, a force in social media for self care and community betterment, has written a book that is part memoir, part self improvment, but in all ways helpful and informative. A book designed to make our psyches less weighty, our days brighter and better for our love ones.The book begins with a confession and an incident. The author didn't like himself much at the time, and liked to self medicate with legal and illegal pharmaceuticals. After a particularly bad incident, yung pueblo began to look at his life, his past and the things that made him, and at the time were weighing him down. As he began to think about his past, his family, the love he had for them, he began to feel slightly better, as if a great weight was leaving him. Slowly he began to work on himself, facing uncomfortable truths, working at meditating to learn to relax and to delve into why he couldn't do the things he really wanted to. Like feeling better about himself. And soon he began to feel lighter, and became better.What I liked most about this book was is there is not magic cure or snap of the fingers that will make you feel better about yourself. yung pueblo worked hard, and continues to work on himself, meditating, trying to suss out why things bother him, or why his mind is holding him back. What he explains is something that will have to be made a part of your life, and it will take work, but the end result might be a life that a person would be proud living. There is nothing earth shaking, nor magical thinking, but a good introduction to meditation and how it can be used to help relieve the mental burdens that life, and a lot of the time our own minds weigh us down with.A very helpful book, with a lot of great ideas and presented well, and with a strong feeling of someone who wants us all to be even just a little bit happier then we are. That is a big message of the book also, once we help ourselves, we can help others. We need to help others. Or the world sinks.

I already have his first two books, but this one is my favorite so far if that’s even possible. I like that it actually reads like a book. I have barely cracked it, yet I have gone back into Amazon and twice purchased again the book for two separate people and I’ve had them delivered to their direct addresses as a surprise gift. I love Yung Pueblo‘s insight about the ability to transform the world by beginning with self transformation. He’s the most beautiful writer of our time in my opinion. His words are elegant yet simple for the heart to understand, and he really shines a light on how the world is perfectly positioned for love and healing versus hatred and destruction. I soak up every ounce of his positivity and love. Please keep writing Diego. 🙏🏼🤗❤️

LIGHTER is a wisdom-packed manual meant to support everyone on their journey of healing, personal growth, and expanded self-awareness. Diego Perez—the man behind the pen name, yung pueblo—shares his personal story and struggles as he offers countless helpful insights as well as inspiration and encouragement. LIGHTER is a beautiful and powerful book that was obviously written from the heart. It is a gift to humanity.

I thought I was gunna blow through this book in 3 days tops because I was so excited for it but it’s actually bigger than I thought! So far absolutely loving it

Love reading these books. He’s a great author that has really opened my mind for the better.

Craving and aversion are the rocks damming the river of our life. No thanks to these heavy mental boulders, we get stuck in a stagnant, tense reservoir of avoidance, reactivity, pleasure -seeking, and control. But when we observe our mind honestly, with unconditional acceptance, we create space between the sediment. Love flows, stones roll away, and we are once again swept away in a healing current. We become the ever-changing river again: lighter, brighter, wiser, and ready to reshape the world.Yung pueblo (Diego Perez) delivers an uplifting message that is simple, clear, and transformative. He writes in plain language and offers unassailable wisdom, at least some of which is guaranteed to prompt meaningful reflection for all readers. Perez's testimony of progress from drug abuse to peace through Vipassana meditation demonstrates that he 'walks the talk' and serves as an inspiring example. It's a meaningful read with the power to help a lot of people.However, steady customers of the personal development section will find little revelation here. Perez offers advice one might expect from a therapist (albeit one with an Eastern bent), and that's great for newcomers to the genre, but veteran spiritual seekers might want to look elsewhere for novel insight.

I've always been a fan of his post on instagram but ever since he's been releasing books.. it's been a non-negotiable for me because I see these books as tools to help me go through my human experience! I love books that I can read over and over again.

I was excited for this book after reading his previous book of poetry. Sadly, it didn't do it for me. It lacked depth in the story and a sense of the author's voice. There just wasn't a lot of meat. It didn't grapple with contradictions. It just said non-attachment and caring attention over and over. Which, to be fair, isn't wrong, just that it works better as a poem than a book. Appreciate the message and for newcomers, it may be great, but there's a lot of good books in this area that go a bit deeper and have more nuance.

Honest raw truth put in a beautiful way.

The words in this book have a vibrant soul behind. The description of his journey is a path to healing as a way of life. I enjoyed every single line.

This is a fabulous book! Very inspirational. I love how it explains how meditation can help anybody that wants peace.

Transformative! Could not put this book down until I read it cover to cover twice. Jotted down quotes that are insightful gems and will keep returning to this wisdom.

Just reading the first few pages was extremely eye opening. The chapter on self love and honesty really made me realize how out of tune with myself I have been and how ego has been the driving force. This is a much recommend book.

I absolutely love this book already and I’m only in chapter 1. It’s a good read for anyone at any point in your life.

10/10 there are lines in this book that you will be writing on your mirror to see every day you wake up.

Beautiful book that speaks to the heart and the head. Excellent buy.

i am little less than half way through with this book and it is so good. i had so many aha moments so far. i cannot stop highlighting! so many tidbits about to take away. so well thought out and planned and easy to understand. if you are into gaining emotional intelligence you will love this book.

Great self health book

This book is a great book that is super helpful to anyone on a self healing path. It has great journal prompts and beautiful wise words.

So far so good. An amazing book that I have highlighted so many passages in. Incredible book for enlightenment and growth.

This book speaks to my soul.

I can’t recommend this book enough.

Quick and easy read!Definitely will pass this book on to a friend.

I highly recommend this to anyone that is open to diving to yourself and analyzing how your ways of thinking create pain and limitations in your life.Definitely a book that is intended to be “sat on” and pondered instead of read through quickly. I would read 1-3 chapters over 2 weeks and really sit with the information/guidance.I don’t want to say this has completely changed my life… but it has brought a greater amount of clarity to how I see myself and react to the world around me.

Lighter, is by far the best & most well written book I’ve read this year! The author did such an amazing job at helping the reader understand the bridge between optimism & realism. I’m Indeed…lighter!

Haven't read it all yet but it is motivational and kind of just a story about how he came to seeing the good in things, being compassionate and caring and trying to make society follow suite. Good book overall so far

Just an amazingly inspiring read! Will buy all of his books!

Yung Pueblo has so much insight and great perspective. Worth the read.

I think Yung Pueblo may turn out to be the Ram Dass or Pema Chodron of his generation. I hope so! I'm awfully glad he decided to write this one, it's quite meaty, and describes the path to personal growth and improving meditation practice about as simply and elegantly as possible. And without a lot of woowoo language, and no magical, new age thinking required. I'm appreciating the small bits of autobiographical info also. I'm in my 60s, have wrestled with CPTSD for decades, and this kind of work is not new for me, but I sure wish I'd had this 15 years ago, when I wasn't finding Pema Chodron very accessible. This is accessible! (to be clear I later found Chodron useful, but it took awhile, and there were things I had to overlook) It happens that I'm at many of the same growth places as Diego, and almost every single piece of this book rings true to me. It's been a joy using it as a springboard for my journaling practice. Deep personal works asks me to let go of ego, even so, this work is helping me appreciate and be grateful for how much I've grown. Perez is a gift. So much gratitude!

This is one of the best books I've recd for understanding my inner self. Normally I would read a book this size in a weekend. But the chapters are so engaging that I want to reread & review before moving on. The questions following each chapter are very thought provoking. I never ever write in my books. But couldn't help but to underline so many nuggets. I plan to reread in a year to see my growth. Thank you for this therapy in a book.

I love that we got to learn more about Yung and how he got to this point. Another fantastic book with great information to consume and share. I feel this one was a bit deeper than the others and certainly more personal.

I truly enjoyed reading this book. I took my time with it and I am so glad that I did because every chapter was read at the perfect time for me. It is inspiring, gentle, and allows you to feel normal. It connects you to others and allows you to feel lighter, truly.

this book has been exactly what I’ve needed to heal a lot of the turbulence within me from these past few weeks. I’ve learned that the more I let go, the less hurt there will be.I can do this with a greater sense of clarity and being less attached to everything around me.everything is temporary and the more we flow with the river of life, the less friction and anxiety we will feel.

The book look very good I got for Christmas gift

This can easily be worth a 200 dollar book. The amount of value, love, and change that has occurred within me since reading this book has been incredible. I’ve read about 122 books so far, and this one I can confidently say is life changing. It’s allowed me to embody its teachings. Thank you to the amazing author.

I ordered one as a gift and one for myself. Both of us love this book, it's written so well. Definitely able to make a deep connection.

Lighter: Let Go of the Past, Connect with the Present, and Expand the Future
⭐ 4.8 💛 638
kindle: $2.99
paperback: $27.99
hardcover: $14.97
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