Bullet Journaling: Hacks for Getting Important Tasks Done

by: Kerry Sanford (0)

Take control of your Life.
This book will show you how to organise your life, so you are able to get important work done. It will guide you on how to customise different layouts, so the Bullet Journal works for you! The tools you will learn are:
  • Step-by-step process of filling in your journal

  • Setting SMART goals

  • Vision and goal-setting pages

  • Future logs

  • Calendars

  • Collections and trackers

  • Reflections of the day

Maintaining a bullet journal doesnโ€™t need to take a lot of your time.
Start your new organised life. Click the BUY button NOW!

The Reviews

This e-book was the fastest road for me to get my Bujo started. I have the Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll and reference both of these for inspiration and ideas. I was suffering a little from paralysis by analysis that's because of me and not these great works, but this hack of a guide put my journal into overdrive. Thanks so much to the both of you for the examples and the path to a more intentional and focused future.

This gives a quick and easy guide to start bullet journaling. Nice pictures give ideas for organizing and highlighting what you want to highlight.

Basically a summary of the original by Ryder Carroll. I was hoping for some unique pages or different ideas for layouts.

Great tips. A good refresher for people using BuJos. I liked some of your page layouts and might have to try them out.

The author did a great job with the explanation being simple and straightforward. The layout was clean and focused. One of the better books out there for getting started

Very concise and to the point, a good overview. I found it useful to kick-start me in this entire process.

Author does a fine job explaining the methodology of bullet journaling. Book has photos and walks you through the process of bullet journaling. She also is concise regarding why bullet journaling works for simplicity in productivity for work and home life. Highly recommend.

This book lays out how to improve your organization of your lists of tasks focusing on using a journal. It goes into detail on how to best use a journal with some creative ideas.

Hard to see during use, so I've gotten used to using it as a lap counter and stop watch after I finish my swim. I also found it awkward to press the button when it's on my index finger in the "normal" position, so I wear it upside down on my middle finger. I find it easier to find and press the button with my thumb. At the 9-month point the display started to fail (one zero is a seven), so I'm sending it back under warranty. I tried removing the battery to see if that might solve the display problem, but no joy. Which leads to battery replacement: yes it's possible, and it uses a common watch battery, but it requires a very small Phillips bit (PH 00), which most people are unlikely to have. And the silicon rubber gasket can be tricky to align. After removing the back cover and replacing the battery, run the screws in until they JUST stick out from the cover, this will be enough to capture the gasket and hold it fixed while you position the cover and run the screws in tight.

This device isn't overly sophisticated but does the job. I've tried to use a swim watch before but found them terribly awkward to try to read while swimming. The natural positioning of this counter is to have the face of it towards your thumb (instead of having it towards the back of your hand like a ring would be worn). This makes pushing the button easier, but also makes it easier to read as your hand does not need to rotate as much for you to see the face of the device.Perhaps I was just being paranoid, I've never quite trusted the lap counts on a swim watch. With this device, it is pretty simple to determine if you missed a lap (missed button push) or added a lap (extra button push). You can compare the shortest lap time and longest lap time to your average lap time. If you missed a button push, the long lap time is much longer (about double) than the average. Adding an extra button push means the shortest lap time is much shorter than the average. It's usually about half since you most likely pushed the button at the end of both lengths instead of the lap (which is 2 lengths).The good:- Far easier to read while swimming than a watch.- With a little practice, using becomes automatic and fairly reliable.- Better to replace a 40 dollar counter/time than a 200 or 300 dollar swim watch. It seems all of the electronics meant for water use eventually have issues (water and electronics don't mix after all). At 40 dollars, this device is a touch expensive, but still replaceable without breaking most budgets.The bad:- A little expensive for what it is. 40 dollars for a counter and timer seems high.- Must push button to count laps. It does become a reflex after a while, but even then, slip ups happen (forget to push button, push at the wrong end of the pool). It is rather annoying when you finish what might have been a personal record only to find a miss-count in laps.- I've had one go bad. The first one went bad after about 5 months. Some water got into it. But I've also had 200 dollar swim watches get ruined because of broken bands and water leakage. I've been using a second one for about 9 months and it's still working.- The gasket that keeps out water is very thin. Replacing the battery and getting the gasket back in place properly seems like it will be very tricky. My first one was already ruined and I was curious to see the inside so I opened the case (see picture).

Been using this product for years. It last as long as the warranty. Just buy a replacement when it wears out. Biggest down side has been the band. I've broken several before the battery ever dies. Replacement for the battery is easy.

I've had this gadget for two months and like it a lot for my daily lap swimming -- its greatest virtue is freeing me from constantly trying to remember what lap I'm on -- lap swimming can be tedious, and thinking "13, 13, 13, 13 -- or is it 14, 14, 14?" only makes it worse. It felt odd and insecure at first to wear this thing on my index finger, but it soon became second nature. Though flip-turners can use this, I always pause when I hit the button with my thumb to make sure it's actually registering -- and to check what lap I'm on. To make my swim more seamless, I hit it only every four laps when I'm swimming 25-yard lengths, and every two laps when the pool is at its full 50 meters.I love the data this produces -- somehow it seems to make my 2,000-yard swim more of an accomplishment if I can see not just my elapsed time, but my average lap time, fastest lap and slowest lap, all of which this shows at the end of the workout. As others have commented, if you somehow forget to press the button for a lap (as I did this morning when I was spacing out), you'll note at the end of the swim that your slowest lap is REALLY slow, which is a clue to what happened.I docked this gadget one star because what I'd really like is to be able to check my lap count all the time -- instead, it shows the count for a just few seconds after I press the button, and then reverts to elapsed time. I already wear a waterproof stopwatch in addition to this, so the one thing I don't really need is a backup counter for total time. I wish there were a little window with the current lap in it. Other than that, though, this is a terrific gizmo. The battery still seems fine after two months of regular use -- knock on wood. I hope I'll get at least a year out of it -- I like it so much now I wouldn't want to lap-swim without it.

Bullet Journaling: Hacks for Getting Important Tasks Done
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