How to Sell on Etsy With Pinterest: Selling on Etsy Made Ridiculously Easy Vol.2

by: Charles Huff (0)

"A must-read! Can't wait to give my Pinterest account a makeover and implement these suggestions!"
--Meghan Guffey - Owner/Operator,
Anchor Bakery

Want to learn how to sell on Etsy (without having to rely know... Etsy for traffic?)

Searching for an Etsy guide that will help you turns those pins, pinboards and followers into a lead-generation machine for your craft business?

Looking for a NO B.S. and super-simple online strategy for selling on Etsy with Pinterest, that wonderful -- though seemingly overrun by pictures of shoes -- social network?

"Loaded with great usable info. I highly recommend."
--Carole Kwence - Owner/Designer,
CK Designs For You

Fret no longer, Etsian! Because in...

How to Sell on Etsy With Pinterest - Selling on Etsy Made Ridiculously Easy Vol.2 you'll learn, in this no-nonsense Etsy marketing guide such whiz-bang strategies as:

  • "A Beginner's Guide to Pinterest Marketing" - We'll discuss not only everything that Pinterest has to offer but the big-picture strategy for how to turn your Pinterest activity into something that can help you sell on Etsy.
  • "The Ultimate Pinterest Content Toolbox for Etsy Sellers" - Sure, you know about pinning pictures of your crafts. But what do you need to do to truly outfit those pins with serious marketing punch. In this chapter we'll show you how to get your Etsy sell vibes pointed in the right direction.
  • "How to Become a Pinboard Expert!" - Everybody thinks the pin is the real secret to Pinterest marketing. Naw! It's the pinboard. In this chapter we'll go over how to get your pinboard looking -- and performing-- its absolute marketing best.
  • "The How, What, Where and When of Pinterest Pins" - Creating the pins is one thing...knowing how and when to publish them is another. In this chapter we go over the absolute perfect time to publish your pins for maximum impact. (And the findings may surprise you.)
  • "5 Ways to Get Hundreds of Pinterest Followers in No Time" - Yep...getting Pinterest followers isn't hard, it just requires some focus and a couple of ninja tricks. (Which we don't want the competition to know about.) In this chapter I'll show you my exact blueprint for growing my Pinterest following from 0 to 5k.

...and so much more! And unlike most less-than-fresh Etsy marketing guides, this little number, from Charles Huff, the editor of Craft Biz Insider, has been updated with the latest Etsy 2019 techniques to help boost your business.

So, give How to Sell on Etsy With Pinterest - Selling on Etsy Made Ridiculously Easy Vol.2 a try!

Might not only let you buy more glue sticks, but put you on the road to a full-fledged Etsy-preneur.

Amazon categories:

  • Crafts, Hobbies & Home
  • Cracts & Hobbies
  • Sewing
  • Jewelry
  • Arts & Photography
  • Candlemaking
  • Art

The Reviews

Lots of good info!

This is a great book, and an easy read. It inspired me to actually edit the HTML on my blog, all my myself, thank you very much. If this means nothing to you, it didn't to me either, until I picked up this book. But the blog has been verified by Pinterest, and I now exist as a business there. Some may say that this is no big deal but to me, it's huge. If you are just beginning to market your Etsy shop, this is the perfect place to start learning how.Incidentally, the author provided his email address for questions. I asked him something and, he did respond with humor and, just what I needed to understand some things. He actually does care about his readers. (Be patient, he's busy and it may take a few weeks.)So, pick up this book. It will take away some of the fear that you may have as a newbie to all of this. Someone panned the book as being too basic but you know, some of us NEED basic!

A really lovely, informative, clear book on starting on Pinterest. No holds barred. The author shares his secrets and doesn't talk down to the beginner. I bought this book because everyone I spoke to about Pinterest assumed I knew how it worked. He didn't, and it was a breath of fresh air. At least now I understand enough to formulate the questions!

Where was this book a year ago? I first started using Pinterest when I was planning my wedding last year and I was completely lost. I could have used this then to help me understand how to best use Pinterest to my advantage! The book really breaks the whole Pinterest process down through funny, easy to understand chapters. It gives a lot of great advice for people who are trying to market their Etsy stores beyond just using Etsy. Huff takes out the scary part of using social media for marketing, and instead makes it unbelievably easy.I love that he talks about including yourself in photos in order to personalize your site. I am one to “run for the hills” when a camera is in my face, but it totally makes sense for people to see you and identify with your crafts through YOU instead of some anonymous person or random stack of artisanal quilts. I definitely recommend this book for sellers trying to expand their marketing niche. This is a great find!

Informative and interesting. I just wish it had more specific step by step instructions.

Very little information about setting up a business Pinterest account.

Of you are new to online marketing this book will confuse you. The terminology is directed toward those who already know the language. A few good pieces of information for anyone.

Content was good. I plan to re-read this and apply the advice. I like the end of chapter summaries. The writing style is entertaining and I like the writer. The editing, however lacked a little. Lots of errors, misprints and formatting problems, which were a little distracting. With the actual physical quality of the book, the price should have been a little lower.

How to Sell on Etsy With Pinterest: Selling on Etsy Made Ridiculously Easy Vol.2
⭐ 4.3 💛 211
paperback: $8.96
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