Illustrating Children's Books: Tutorials, Case Studies, Know-how, Inspiration

by: Steve Withrow (0)

Rare book

The Reviews

This book is full of ideas and tips. It's a very good book to start out with if you want to begin to illustrate books.

As a Children's book Illustrator I am always asked how to break into the field. Well, you need a few things like, a bit of talent. I say this only because you don't have to be a best artist out there, just do your best at your style of art. You need tools of trade whether you paint traditionally or work digitally. You also need this fabulous book!!! I think it's a must have for every illustrator want to be illustrator of children's books. It is filled with wonderful information about techniques and styles, color palette, page layouts, story boarding and so much more. I use mine all the time. Each time I start project I pull it out. It helps and inspires me to really do my best. Every artist should have this book right next to the media you work in.Vanessa Brantley-Newton[...].

This is the best, most-up-to-date book I've read on children's book illustrations. The works of a variety of children's book illustrators are explored, and the mediums and techniques they've used are discussed in detail. This is not written in the style of a how-to book, which I like. I gained a lot of "how-to" just by analyzing the illustrations. This is great for creative inspiration and finding your medium. One of the few books on illustration that discuss digital mediums.

I wish that I had purchased this great little book sooner. If only it had the "Look Inside" feature - that is why I waited so long. I could not peek inside and see that it was chock full of Artist Profiles, (these are so informative, personal and inspirational), chock full of Creative Tips, Case Studies, Wonderful Illustrations and more! So many different styles are covered. Love this little book. It may just become my favorite of all my how-to-illustrate picture books.

" I needed to have a quick gasp of the general details for preparing and delivering a complete new project for a writer and i found everything and more on this book, i could not stopped reading and it analyzes cases and styles from different authors and writers that gives you more than a hint, a mayor scope on the field. "

My son is an illustrator and is interested in doing children's books. Says the book is the best he's seen. A true four star.

I enjoyed reading various viewpoints from people in the illustration field. The layoutof the book was also very creative.

I found this book helpful in seeing how other illustrators do their illustration.

Illustrating Children's Books: Tutorials, Case Studies, Know-how, Inspiration
⭐ 4.6 💛 25
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