Interior Decoration Consultation Logbook: Questions to Ask Your Client Before You Sign That Agreement

by: Virginia I Smith (0)

A new client-to-be just called you for an interior decoration project. Wonderful news. However, before you take any step, you must create a solid starting point. And you can only do this if you get to know the prospect’s needs and expectations through a professionally laid out client questionnaire.

A new client questionnaire is pretty much what it says it is; a list of well-crafted queries to help you know the interior decorating vision of a prospect. It is the answers to these questions that will help you define your potential client.

This book
Interior Decoration Consultation Logbook - Questions to Ask Your Client Before You Sign That Agreement is an interior decorator’s handbook that is crucial to have at your first prospect/decorator meet. It is the perfect way to navigate through your first discussion and ask questions that are friendly, clear, and concise. Filling in individual client’s responses to the questionnaire is crucial to determining the successful implementation of a new project. So, whether you are providing decorating services for a new office or a one-room residential apartment, putting this process in place enables you to know what to expect of your potential client. They will also know what to expect of you.

Communicating through a documented questionnaire and getting everything laid out professionally will set the tone for the project. It will also save time and create trust from your prospects. It allows them to share their vision constructively.

So, are you asking the right questions of your prospective customer? Are they comprehensive and well-thought-out inquiries? And are you writing down the answers in detailed manners? Do you even have a new client questionnaire form to help you learn more about your potential customers lifestyle, preferences, and dislikes?

In your interior decorating business, the client and decorator must both be on the same page and understand each other. And in order to close the deal and implement it successfully, you need this book to help guide you through the process every time and ensure that you avoid potential pitfalls in the course of the project’s execution.
Interior Decoration Consultation Logbook: Questions to Ask Your Client Before You Sign That Agreement
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