The Power of Discipline: How to Use Self Control and Mental Toughness to Achieve Your Goals

by: Daniel Walter (0)

Have you spent weeks, months, or even years trying to achieve your goals but keep failing?

Have you given up on becoming successful because your futile efforts have led you to believe that success is only for the select few?

If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions—don’t worry, there is still hope for you!

Before you can achieve anything in life, you need a solid foundation of self-discipline. Talent, intelligence, and skill are only a part of the equation. Positive thinking, affirmations, and vision boards are only a part of the equation. If you want to turn your dreams into reality, you need self-discipline.

Self-discipline is what will keep you focused when all hell is breaking loose and it looks like you are one step away from failure. It will give you the mental toughness required to dismantle the limitations you have placed on yourself and break through all obstacles standing in the way of your goals.

How would you feel if I told you that your inability to achieve your goals does not arise because you are lazy or lack drive, but rather it’s a problem because you have never been taught how to practice self-discipline?

People are not born with self-discipline. Like driving or playing tennis, it’s a skill that you learn. In The Power of Discipline you will gain access to easy-to-read, scientific explanations about self-discipline including:

  • How to master self-discipline by targeting certain areas of the brain
  • The Navy SEALs’ secrets to self-discipline
  • The Zen Buddhists’ secrets to self-discipline
  • How to make hard-work exciting
  • How to ditch your bad habits and adopt the habits of successful people
  • Strategies to keep going when your motivation runs out
  • And much, much more

By applying the principles in this book, you will develop your self-discipline, bulldoze through toward your goals, become an unstoppable force of nature, and start living the life you know you deserve!

It’s impossible to buy back the time you have lost, but you can take control of your future.

Discover the Secrets to Self-Discipline Today by Clicking the "Add to Cart" Button at the Top of the Page.

The Reviews

Dear Mr Walter, I am reading your book The Power of Discipline. I have really been enjoying it and it has really opened my eyes to improving myself. However I just read chapter 13 Winner or Loser, Which one are you? I have to say I am so disappointed and appalled at your words. When you talk about weight loss surgery as cutting corners and being “ the easy way out” that comment could not be farther from the truth!! In fact weight loss surgery is the opposite of easy. You should do your research before you publish offensive statements like that. I am a certified Bariatric nurse and let me tell you patients go through hell to have surgery. They must endure psych testing, extensive nutrition counseling , psychological counseling and a strict diet. Many are in programs for a year and must lose a certain amount of weight before they are approved for surgery. For Many weight loss surgery is a last resort when all other efforts have failed. For others it’s the only cure for their hypertension and diabetes. For some their weight is a genetic or hormonal issue . So don’t say it’s the easy way out please! It’s a life saving method to help people who have struggled with weight all their lives. Don’t assume because their big they have no self control or self discipline. You would be sorely mistaken. I am so angry that you were so careless as to make these statements . Shame on you! I will not give your book a good review. Sorry!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! It is unfortunate to find several reviewers stating it was not worth the price.Every chapter had an excellent segway to the follow chapter, and there were myriad examples from research articles, theories, and principles.I thought this book was very well worded with excellent references!I enjoyed that most chapters were brief and to the point, making it very doable to read a chapter per day, however it was so enticing I finished it in 4 days!This book is very inspirational and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who wants to transform their mindset to exhibit greater positivity and getting out of their comfort zone. As Daniel Walter mentions, willpower is like a muscle, that is strengthened the more it is used! Get out of your comfort zone!Thanks for a great read.

That was a very delicious book. I finished it in just a few days... could've finished it in one day but I decided to use it as practice for discipline... 1 hour in the morning, an hour at night... I really enjoyed it and i felt so accomplished wheni reachedthat well done message at the end. I would love some new suggestions

I read this book because I wanted to know the necessary steps to take towards a brighter future. This has certainly helped me and the best thing about it is
 it wasn’t hard at all to apply the methods talked about in this book. Most of these things I was already doing but it was the inconsistency that held me back. Highly recommend for anyone who wants to reach their goals but may have been fearful.

I learned a lot. This book was easy to read. Simple English. I read it on a Kindle so I highlighted it on almost every page. I will go back and read the highlights. This book was worth every penny. Thank you

Found the book to be helpful in self analysis, suggesting ideas to become more disciplined in reaching your goals.

I like the book it was very motivating and self discipline journey begins NOW.

This book is amazing!

Very descriptive in assisting you for self discipline I recommend this for anyone who wishes to better themselves in life and for the task at hand.

I love this book, I recommend reading it twice though as everything doesn’t always stick on first read. I love how Daniel touch on points/areas that we all struggle with in different capacities of our lives and we some how thinks it’s unique to us individually.

The connections I felt in this book were insane. Daniel did an amazing job writing this book. I've learned a lot , but I definitely believe before reading this you have to be ready to take accountability for yourself. You have to be ready to admit your faults and mistakes in order to actually take the teachings in this book. But after literally just finishing it, I feel ready to take on my demons. I feel ready to really pursue my goals and dreams like never before.

A must read.

Very few personal development books have made me feel like I can understand the root of my weaknesses. This book cleared that up. I know see where my discipline is falling short and how to correct it. There’s not a soul on earth that won’t massively benefit from this book!AMAZING!

This book will move you in a simple and subtle way.

This book has literally given me the techniques to get my purpose back. I was so angry at life because I let others determine my happiness. My employees, My employer, My family, My spouse, etc. I am responsible for my own happiness and my self discipline is the main factor behind this. In the book you will "try" to perform an action, or you will "do" an action. Trying is the reason for limiting yourself. Doing is what you need to do to be successful. So I will "do" in all my processes in life. Managing my time and keeping a journal is one of the items I am taking away. I will also meditate. I tried this today and I feel so much better. I set my alarm clock 30 minutes earlier a day to meditate. I can't wait to implement all the tools from the book. I will now read a book on Zen as I want to learn more about it. Thank you for putting me on the right path as I truly felt lost until reading this book. For those that may have lost their way, this book is a Godsend.

I think this book could've been better. The author had some typos, and spelling mistakes, and the amount of examples in the book got old quick. But in all I see the good intention of the book.There's a lot of good tips thats helped me personally. As a young artist I felt that fear and negative emotions held me back and this book helped me overcome those complications. Before I hardly wanted to draw, never did it daily and always beat myself up over it. Now for the last couple of weeks around the time I was finishing this book I have been drawing everyday for hours on end. My passion was always theres it was the self doubt in the way.I also love what Daniel says at the end " I truly believe there are better basketball players the Michael Jordan, better singers than Whitney Houston, and people with better ideas than Elon Musk but they just lack self-discipline."

As I read this book I was pleasantly reminded of phrases my parents and grandparents used when I was very young; "You can do anything you put your mind to. If you think you can, you will, if you think you can't, you won't" amongst many others. The book is very informative, educational, and gives examples anyone can apply to help solidify the knowledge presented. It is not a typical "motivational" book but rather an instrument to provide an understanding of the steps necessary to get back on a productive path.

I enjoyed reading this book! I now have a clearer view on how to use self discipline as a lifestyle and not just to reach a goal. I'm not sure how I came across this book but I'm glad I did!

Every chapter is full of great knowledge and value. Very grateful I didn’t scroll past this book and decided to buy it! It has helped me shift my perspective on many things I am currently trying to move forward with!

I feel this book as a meaningful conversation to reach great potential. I feel motivated to achieve my best. I fully recommend this book as guidance and advice to achieve goals through discipline.

I really enjoyed this book. It was well-written, succinct and filled with the kind of information that anyone who is looking to get their life on track would find useful. I read the digital version, but I will definitely be investing in a physical copy as well.

AprendĂ­ mucho sobre auto-disciplina. Ayudo bastante a ampliar mis conocimientos y poder aplicarlos a mi vida diaria. Super recomendado!

The Power of Discipline: How to Use Self Control and Mental Toughness to Achieve Your Goals
⭐ 4.7 💛 2780
paperback: $18.05
hardcover: $19.17
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