Time Management from the Inside Out: The Foolproof System for Taking Control of Your Schedule--and Your Life

by: Julie Morgenstern (0)

A thoroughly updated and expanded edition of the definitive guide to managing and freeing up time

Applying the groundbreaking from-the-inside-out approach that made
Organizing from the Inside Out a New York Times bestseller, Julie Morgenstern set a new standard for the time- management category. Her system has helped countless readers uncover their psychological stumbling blocks and strengths, and develop a time-management system that suits their individual needs.

By applying her proven three-step program-Analyze, Strategize, Attack-and following her effective guidelines, readers will find more time for work, family, self-improvement, or whatever is most important to them. Time management is a learnable skill, and in this completely revised edition, Morgenstern provides the ultimate tools to combine, delegate, and eliminate unnecessary tasks; put technology to work; and stop procrastinating once and for all.

This revised edition delivers - a new chapter about the WADE formula for getting started - new time maps for people with irregular schedules - new four-, eight-, and twelve-week program guides for improving time-management skills - a fully updated resource guide

The Reviews

At the time that I bought this book, I bought several others on time management.Had I not read any of the others, I might have given this book 4 stars. It covers a lot of concepts well - such as good enough over perfect, fixing time and flexing scope, the importance of estimating how long things take, and doing incremental planning.I also like that this is one of the few books that actually encourages taking measurements of how you spend your time to get an accurate baseline. This is really important, and not many other books talk about this.Some things that I disagree with - assigning a spot in the calendar for every task. I'm also not a fan of the 'planner' that the author espouses.Overall the book is good, but if I had to recommend 1 book on time management to someone, it would probably be 'Getting Results the Agile Way' by JD Meier, which is an excellent book. I also found Getting Things Done, Zen to Done, Personal Kanban, and the Pomodoro Technique to be very good reads as well. If you really want to have a top notch system, I'd recommend all of them - in which case you can safely skip this book.Don't get me wrong, it's good, there are just better books out there.

I love her books. For me, they pointed me in just the right direction. She says something early on in the book to the effect of, even if I used a third of the ideas, it would radically improve my use of time. That was absolutely true for me! I have a very busy job, and this was just the info I needed. I'd also add that I saw a little video of her talking about the weekends, and it rocked my world, so I'll share it. She said that if you start looking at your weekends as 7 segments (Fri PM, Sat and Sun each with AM - mid-day - PM), then you can fit in what you need to, what you want to, and have free segments. She said it would leave you more refreshed and ready for the week, and that has been 100% right for me. I covet free time so I can read, journal, plan, etc. (read: dork). And this frames it in a way where I don't resent scheduled activities. Highly recommend.

In our family and businesses, we have all of her books. The best one we recommend to start with is "Time Management from the Inside Out, Second Edition". This book doesn't focus on material stuff much (for that, read "Organizing from the Inside Out, Second Edition"), but once you have your time organised then everything else is a lot easier to manage.Some of the concepts you learn from Time Management can be applied to stuff, making the other books a lot easier to apply. We love this book so much, we incorporate the concepts it in our company management training as well as at home with our kids. By the end of the first two sections, you really feel like you're on a roll and become excited about getting the rest of your life into gear simply because you have found the time to make it happen. By the time you reach the end of the book, you really feel encouraged and confident simply by having followed through on how Morgenstern guides you through getting your time organised.This book is definitely a game changer for everyone who uses the advice, but you have to actually do it. My family and I highly recommend this book.

This is the first book I've ever bought but didn't finish. And I don't think it was the authors fault; I simply think I misunderstood what I was buying. I was expecting to experience something of an internal systems approach to spiritual organization. Something akin to organization for the already organized...maybe I'm being silly, but that's what I was expecting. This book is something else entirely. This book is meant for the mentally disheveled; think hoarder. Of course, I could be wrong because I didn't make through the first chapter.

I've read a bunch of time management books, have a business coach, have written goals, an annual business plan, and try to plan daily. I kept coming up short. This book gave me a lot of clarity on my inner obstacles, corrective steps to take and .... forgiveness. I need to focus on patience, less on perfection and more on delegation and time mapping. I borrowed this from the library, but just purchased a copy so I can continue to refer to it.

Excellent!!!!! This, and the authorā€™s book Organizing From the Inside Out are a great pair to own; they reinforce each other. Her concept is GENIUSā€”since everyone is unique each personā€™s organization of their space will be differentā€”as will the organization of their time. The time management book has a lot of good tips and information to make your schedule reflect your personality and your needs betterā€”and thus work better for you.

I desperately needed better time management skills, and I was at my wit's end about managing everything, until I checked this book out of the library. Halfway through reading it, I bought it from Amazon.com. I knew that quickly that this was the book I needed. I love Julie Morgenstern's emphasis on literally mapping out your time, learning what's truly important to you, emphasizing that in your schedule, and letting unimportant things go. Since then, I have a better sense of what I need to do each day, and now I create a weekly calendar based on what I need and want to do that upcoming week. It's a disciplined-but-flexible approach that works for me better than anything else has. I also bought her book on getting organized from the inside out. Sixty-five pages into the book, I had already organized my bedroom - a huge disaster area - with ideas from it. And it's stayed organized ever since. BUY THIS BOOK!

Time Management from the Inside Out: The Foolproof System for Taking Control of Your Schedule--and Your Life
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kindle: $1.99
paperback: $1.23
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