The Complete Smartist Guide: Essential Business and Career Tips for Emerging Artists

by: Ekaterina Popova (0)

Learn how to sell more art, build a thriving business, and lead the creative life you've always dreamed of!

This is the book with all of the practical information about how to actually make a career in the arts that we never learned in art school. The Complete Smartist Guide by artist and Create! Magazine Founder, Ekaterina Popova, and curator and gallery director of PxP Contemporary, Alicia Puig, is packed with tips, hints, and actionable steps from our personal experiences working in the art world.

In this essential guide for self-taught and emerging artists, we discuss not only business tactics, sales strategies, and how to promote your art online and in person, but also actionable information about how to deal with creative burnout, overcome imposter syndrome, and avoid the comparison game! We’ve built our creative businesses largely using social media and email marketing so we share all of the exact steps we used to reach audiences of hundreds of thousands of followers around the world.

To make sure we rounded out this book with even more solid advice, we’ve included interviews with numerous contemporary artists to share their unique insight into how to license your art, attract clients for commissions and mural projects, develop your unique creative voice, and so much more!

Includes Supporting Interviews With Inspiring Contemporary Artists, Curators, and Art Agents: Alonsa Guevara, Ashley Longshore, Chambers Austelle, Erika Lee Sears, Jenny Brown, Kestin Cornwall, Lisa Krannichfeld, Liza Zhurkovskaya, and Tyler Kay.

The Reviews

I’ve read a lot of art biz books and this is hands down the best, most comprehensive one out there. Instead of generalized information like “stay up to date on social media,” they provide detailed checklists. They go over art residencies, handling rejections, and what you need to include for your resume. They even go so far as to provide email templates so you can get an idea for how to speak to different industry professionals. I can not recommend this book highly enough.

The Complete Smartest Guide holds a wealth of information for any artist, emerging artist, or anyone interested in a future in the arts. This guide covers EVERYTHING! The art world has changed so much with the internet and the ability to be seen virtually and globally. Like music, there is a huge community of artists who emerge onto the scene through virtual galleries, instagram, and various other forms of social media. The authors do an incredible job of guiding the reader through all the modern methods of becoming an artist, getting your work out there, getting noticed, pricing, creating websites, building communities, etc. Not a stone is left unturned. Ekaterina and Alicia are so current in their knowledge, yet so experienced in so many of the diverse facets of the art world.They give tremendously of themselves and share knowledge and tips so freely and generously. A refreshing change from the sometimes cut throat business of dealing in the arts. They stress the importance of taking care of yourself, being kind, finding your true artistic voice, and the importance of community to help you thrive. The advice is empowering. The layout of the book makes it really easy to follow and learn from. They are to the point and concise in the topics covered.I feel so strongly that any emerging or established artist will benefit greatly by owning this book. I've already filled it with sticky notes and page markers to refer back to.I only wish this book had come out years ago when I was just starting out!! Fabulous resource!

Having lived the journey up close and personal, I was still struck by the openness of the authors to put themselves out there and share so many details of the things that did not go well. At the same time, that is the goal of the book, make the oath for those coming behind a little less difficult. Congratulations to Katya and Alicia for delivering such a powerful message in such a simple and easy read format validated by many contemporaries throughout the book with the addition of their own personal experiences.It is now up to you to TAKE ACTION.Happy reading!

Simply the best book that exists for Artrepreneurs. A hands-on practical guide filled with years of studio practice and business knowledge. All the info, tips, and case studies from living artists are compiled in an easy-to-read book that can be applied to the day-to-day of each artist’s practice. Highly recommended for artists at any level of their careers.

This is it! The book I've been waiting for. I consider myself in chapter one of my art career and feel so lucky to have this book land in my hands. There are so many thoughts and ideas worth considering and implementing. Make sure you read it with a notebook and pen handy.Thank you Kat and Alicia for sharing your hard earned knowledge with the world through this guide. I know it'll be a staple for me moving forward. XO

You need a strategy, you want to find a path and you have so many tips on the business of art -start by reading this book and you will make your journey so much more workable!

Excellent book. I highly recommend it to any starting up artist. Bought in a paperback after reading on my kindle. Should have done it right away.I wish the kindle version was more responsive . It doesn’t support changes in the font size and I’m not a fan of zooming in the page.

This is by far the most comprehensive up to date book on how to navigate your art career. Especially now as we find ourselves in the middle of a world pandemic when opportunities are shifting and old school models are simply out of date. The authors are extremely successful themselves so they are speaking from heartfelt genuine experience. The overall lesson that I keep learning as I read this book is community over competition. The openness and generosity paired with tangible advice on how to navigate social media is unparalleled in excellence.-Kimberly E

This is it! The book I've been waiting for. I consider myself in chapter one of my art career and feel so lucky to have this book land in my hands. There are so many thoughts and ideas worth considering and implementing. Make sure you read it with a notebook and pen handy.Thank you Kat and Alicia for sharing your hard earned knowledge with the world through this guide. I know it'll be a staple for me moving forward. XO

Excellent book. I highly recommend it to any starting up artist. Bought in a paperback after reading on my kindle. Should have done it right away.I wish the kindle version was more responsive . It doesn’t support changes in the font size and I’m not a fan of zooming in the page.

This book is incredible. I have a degree in fine art and left college pretty resentful at all the information we were never given on how to manage an actual career in the arts. My experience was not unique. All that critical info is in this book. It should be on the syllabus in every art degree program. Thank you for writing it.

This book is a life changer - literally. If you are struggling to make your art a successful business, this book will give you all the tips and resources you need to succeed. Kat and Alicia laid out all the necessary steps with tons of inspiring testimonials for you to make it- on your own terms. Every chapter is a treasure of information, tips and action plans. I love it and highly recommend it.

This is a great book. But theres a few reasons why I refrain from giving it a 5 star rating.I took a course on this subject. (or the subjects covered in this book). And it's a pretty accurate and complete book that covers a lot. I taken a few work shops as well and this book. Cover a lot of the same material. I guess this book does a great job of compiling a lot of information thats spread out on the net. And I guess theres a place for that.But I guess my one issue is it doesn't say anything new. or add much. And as an emerging artist. Theres only so much that a book like this can say or do for an artist. Everyone is different and everyones art is different. And every artist has to find their own voice. And very similarly have to figure out what works for them. Which is the toughest part of being an artist. And I don't think no book written for "everyone" or for an audience at large. Can provide the type of answers an artist might be looking for. So in recommending this book I find myself having to explain this point.That being said. I read the reviews to the first version of this book and I got to say this is a huge improvement to that. They really listened to the readers. And went in deeper. And provided something with a lot more value. As much as they were able to anyway.A lot of this stuff though is common sense, and available elsewhere. A lot of this stuff is different for everyone and depends on your situation or genre. I think one has to decipher what info is applicable. Go deeper into their own niche. And figure out what works for them. And learned through trail and error.But this book is a great place to start especially if you're a beginner. Just be warned it not a magic pill.

The Complete Smartist Guide: Essential Business and Career Tips for Emerging Artists
⭐ 4.7 💛 122
paperback: $10.94
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