The Artist's Guide to Grant Writing: How to Find Funds and Write Foolproof Proposals for the Visual, Literary, and Performing Artist

by: Gigi Rosenberg (0)

The Artist’s Guide to Grant Writing is designed to transform readers from starving artists fumbling to get by into working artists who confidently tap into all the resources at their disposal. Written in an engaging and down-to-earth tone, this comprehensive guide includes time-tested strategies, anecdotes from successful grant writers, and tips from grant officers and fundraising specialists. The book is targeted at both professional and aspiring writers, performers, and visual artists who need concrete information about how to write winning grant applications and fundraise creatively so that they can finance their artistic dreams.

The Reviews

This book doesn't necessarily tell you any world discovering secrets - But it motivates you to write grant submissions and guides you how to do it. It demystifies the process and gives you the green light to go ahead. Of course it also is full of tips and techniques. This is one of the very very few books on this subject if not the only one.I would definitely recommend this Book to any artist starting out to apply for grants.

Books on reaching goals are often dry and full of boring admonishments--do this, do that, make a list, fill out forms, et cetera. This book is not like that. It's conversational and encouraging. There are assignments at the end of every chapter, but meh, do them or not. The book is readable, and that's what makes the help accessible. Thanks to this book I'm going to go for an artist's residency. Without it, I wouldn't have known where to start.

This book has a lot of pertinent information for a niche audience. Good interviews and advice, and also a great introduction to the world of grant-writing in a non-threatening way for creative professionals who need to learn how to get the funding they need and then get on with what they do best--creative work! This should be required reading / course material for students in the professional arts so that they have more of the tools they will need to succeed once they graduate so they can continue their careers instead of having to put them on hold.

This book was so enormously helpful to me as a first-time grant writer and helped me see my application through a potential funder's eyes. The practical advice about budgets, finding multiple sources of support, and striking the right tone in a CV and proposal was invaluable; just as valuable was the more holistic advice about finding feedback on application materials rather than working in secret (guilty!), writing with confidence, and presenting a proposal that would bring a project all the way to fruition rather than asking for too little or not knowing clearly what you were asking for. Can't recommend this book highly enough!

I was really impressed with this book in how everything was explained and defined. Rosenberg writes thoughtfully and doesn't waste time with a lot of cheerleading. The advice is solid and sensible. I have used this book several times to tweak and mod my own applications and proposals. Reading this book I've gotten a better sense of some things I was doing wrong and gained perspective on what organizations expected. Overall I highly recommend.

I purchased this title specifically as a guide for grant writing but ended up be very impressed with it as it has proven to be so much more versatile and useful than that. As I've been ramping up my studio practice I've found that I need to have a strong bio, artist statement, proposal statement and other written materials on hand at pretty much every turn. This book was invaluable in helping me put together these materials and on the strength of my new written materials + improved work samples I've already been accepted to a residency and had work included in exhibitions.However the most valuable thing was that this title helped me to incorporate grant writing, all submission processes, and basically all the "admin" that goes into being an artist into my actual practice. Now, instead of all this admin "taking away" from my time creating it effectively adds to my studio practice, clarifies my thinking, and invigorates my creative time.In order to get this sort of cumulative effect it is necessary to read the book as a proper "book" but if you are not looking for this sort of time investment it also functions wonderfully as a flip-through reference - the sections are all clearly and logically laid-out so that if I need to figure out how to write a budget I can easily flip to that section and review the budget format.I found this to be a really great book to be used either just as a reference for effective grant writing or as a cohesive guide to incorporating the "admin" into one's studio practice in a meaningful way.

I did not know anything about writing grants. I didn't even realize this was something artists did. In view of that I found this book very interesting and helpful to me. This book outlines the grant writing process, how to do it and what to do. Very helpful to anyone not familiar with writing grants or writing grants specifically for art.

Over a year ago I didn't know where my artistic career was going and felt like I wasn't producing anything and spending way too much time on my freelance jobs that pay the bills. So, when I read a blog post from an arts blog that I subscribe to talking about this book, I knew it would be important for me to get - even though I had no specific grant or opportunity in mind. I think I read the whole book in a matter of days. It was an easy read because she uses delightful anecdotes of her own experience and makes every grueling part of the process understandable and applicable. I even took her advice about freewrites (for project proposals) and applied it to my current project, to drag it out of a rut. There is tons of other advice about researching places, your own work and process and how to do these things ... JUST FANTASTIC!Later when I was awarded a residency in July and then had to raise the money to get there (funding a residency in Africa is not cheap) by February - I took out this book again. I now call it my "bible". Thanks to the process she outlined, I applied for and was awarded a 2012 Regional Artist Project Grant from the Arts & Science Council in Charlotte, NC. I also did other fundraising efforts, where all of the practical and coherent information contained in the book also helped me shape the events and make it real and exciting to the people attending and/or browsing the crowdfunding campaign. The information is invaluable. I've even recommended it to non-artist friends.

I found the information to be useful. Would like bigger print.

I will definitely be keeping this book no matter what. I plan to utilize it for the class I will be teaching.

PREFACE*Jamie Raskin is singularly positioned to introduce empathy to his reader as the critical antidote to both personal and national traumas.PROLOGUE*It is January 6, 2021, and Jamie Raskin grieves for his beloved son, Tommy. Some consolation is provided by the poignant reminiscences of a father, courtesy of the unsolicited mental snapshots featuring Tommy. Today, personal grief is, of necessity, preempted by democracy’s dictates, vis a vis the certification of the 2020 presidential election results, ensuring a peaceful transfer of power. Though Joe Biden won convincingly both the popular and electoral college tabulations, Donald Trump has refused to concede, advancing unfounded conspiracy theories of voter fraud, strategically fomenting hysteria and indignation among his restive followers. From his office window, Raskin observes a boisterous mob of Trumpsters advancing on the steps of the Capitol as he prepares to make his way down to the House floor. With he and his colleagues being shepherded to safety as the Capitol is breached and defiled by a legion of renegades; receiving inspiration through the cherished memory of his departed son, Raskin finds comfort, resolve, and renewed commitment as a standard bearer for democracy.PART ONEChapter 1*In 2005, Raskin left his profession as a Constitutional law professor to enter the arena of politics, a move that would forge a strong and enduring bond between he and son, Tommy. The author shares anecdotes involving his adolescent son in recapping his successful grassroots campaign for the Maryland State Senate seat in 2006, laying the foundation for a 2016 run for Congress. Raskin’s precocious offspring demonstrated a sensitivity to morality, ethical behavior, and social justice well beyond the norm for one of his tender age. In the span of a decade, Tommy’s humanitarian ideals progressively took on a global perspective, encompassing the marginalized and downtrodden. When Donald Trump’s avowedly racist and xenophobic campaign claimed victory in the 2016 presidential election, as was the case with their fellow contemporaries of liberal democracy, both father and son were stunned by its surrealism.Chapter 2*While a student at Amherst, Tommy Raskin was diagnosed with OCD and depression, a condition exacerbated by a vicious cycle of alcohol abuse, triggering an episode of deep melancholia. With treatment and medication, on the surface, his condition appeared to stabilize; however, he suffered a relapse during his first year at Harvard Law. Though the inception of Covid-19 was devastating to Tommy and his peers, in the context of social isolation and the suspension of on campus classes, relocating to his parents’ residence afforded the opportunity to renew the day to day father/son intimacy so treasued by both. While Tommy flourished as an animal rights legal intern during the summer of 2022, his relationship with his girlfriend was on a downward spiral, following the all too familiar pattern of prior romantic attachments, with Tommy surrendering to his visceral fear of a potential fatherhood, one in which he would be party to exposing an innocent child to a world where he had experienced so much pain. The fall of 2022 continued to bring a measure of fulfillment to Tommy both academically and intellectually, yet the necessary privation dictated by the pandemic, coupled with its seemingly endless duration, left him in an emotionally fragile state of depression. A father who loved his son unconditionally, is reduced to speculation on what he might have said or done to avert the ultimate act of suicide, and advises his reader that, in retrospect, he would have made a more enlightened and hopeful effort to transcend his fear of broaching the subject with his son.Chapter 3*During the final week of his life, from the vantage point of his father, girlfriend, friends, and psychiatrist, there was no inkling that Tommy Raskin was contemplating suicide. His adoring and unwitting father embraced and bid him good night for the final time of his son’s truncated life on December 30, 2021.PART TWOChapter 4*Enroute to the Capitol on January 6, 2022, Jamie Raskin contemplates his venerated image of Abraham Lincoln, while mentally paralleling the divisions within contemporary America against the dark shadows of a divided union confronting the revered president 160 years prior.*Raskin and his fellow Democrats in the House had scrupulously prepared for a Trump gambit to annul the archaic Electoral College electors in specified states in order to effect a contingent election in the House, where the GOP, although in the minority according to the number of representatives, had a clear advantage in the decisive state count.*Having categorically failed with the courts to rule in his favor on issued challenges of electoral irregularities and voter fraud, striking out in efforts to hector swing state election officials into sullying the vote count, and misjudging the extent to which Mike Pence was willing to run interference for him in perpetuating the “stolen election” conspiracy theory; Donald Trump exercised a provocation totally unprecedented by an American president, one which flew under the radar of the confused and confounded Jamie Raskin and his colleagues.Chapter 5*Following Mike Pence’s refusal to usurp powers not granted to his office by the Constitution, and a subsequent GOP objection to counting Arizona’s slate of electors for Joe Biden; with the Senate and House in their separate chambers, without warning, the shattering of glass and ramming of doors reverberated throughout the Capitol. After Jamie Raskin and his colleagues were shepherded to safety, while viewing network coverage of the surreal scene on a fellow House member’s ipad, the image most firmly rooted in Raskin’s psyche was that of an insurrectionist spearing a helpless officer of the Capitol police with a pole bearing the American flag.Chapter 6*After some semblance of order had been restored, and prior to reconvening both seats of Congress to resume the certification process; in view of Trump’s incitement and obvious complicity in the insurrection, the dialogue among House Democrats encompassed bringing impeachment charges and/or prosecuting the case for the Vice President to invoke the 25th Amendment declaring the President unfit to perform the duties of his office. Ultimately, during the wee hours of the morning on January 7, 2020, American democracy’s transfer of power, though not peaceful as intended by the founding fathers, was mandated by the certification of Joe Biden as the legitimate successor to the Presidency, effective with the oath of office on January 20, 2020.Chapter 7*Raskin rationalized that, while an impeachment conviction would constitute the most obvious route to remove a president from office, the 25th Amendment could potentially elicit less backlash from the GOP. Upon consultation with Speaker Pelosi, the determination was made to exercise both options. As a Constitutional scholar, Raskin was acutely aware that Trump’s attempt to obstruct Congress, in their charge to implement the will of the people via the Presidential certification process, fell well within the parameters for bringing Articles of Impeachment. For the prosecution of President Trump’s role in the January 6th insurrection would seek to unequivocally expose its concomitant existential threat to American democracy. At the behest of Speaker Pelosi, Raskin agreed to assume the responsibilities of lead impeachment manager, and immediately set about formulating the selection criteria for his “team of nine”. With Mike Pence’s refusal to play his part in executing the 25th Amendment, impeachment became the sole option left on the table.Chapter 8*On January 13, with the vote of every Democrat, along with that of Liz Cheney and nine of her fellow Republicans, the House of Representatives voted to impeach Donald Trump on the grounds of inciting an insurrection on our nation’s Capitol exactly one week prior to the day. In preparation to argue the merits of the case for conviction before the Senate, Raskin had assembled a diverse, competent team of impeachment managers, one accentuated by a breadth of legal background and expertise. A primary focus of the impeachment team was to introduce ghastly real time images of brave, yet grossly outnumbered, Capitol Police being overrun, gassed, and mercilessly beaten by waves of insurrectionists, urged on by the poisonous rhetoric of an unhinged president. Raskin and his team were prepared to present the irrefutable argument that Donald Trump, rather than honor his presidential oath to protect the Constitution, committed the unprecedented sacrilege of unleashing his mob of vandals to ransack the halls of Congress, and consequently place at risk the lives of those public servants within, who were sworn to uphold its precepts. Prior to the Senate impeachment trial, during a televised interview with Jake Tapper of CNN, Raskin experienced catharsis, as he was able to poignantly dedicate the cherished memory of his beloved Tommy through publicly verbalizing a resolve to channel his own energies into the nation’s urgent business of saving our imperiled democracy.Chapter 9*Accepting his brother’s invitation to visit him in Florida, Raskin was personally challenged to set aside his ambivalence in reconciling a pervading, ever present grief over the loss of his son with an escape to environs frequented by those seeking fun and sun. While his Florida jaunt served as a respite from the daily physical reminders of Tommy’s final hours, he was otherwise immersed in the upcoming prosecution of the Trump impeachment case, becoming invested in the similarities with the President’s tolerance, and even promotion, of riotous violence, whether the venue be Charlottesville, Lansing, or the nation’s capital. After consultation with the impeachment team and a couple of respected outside legal minds, the decision to assume an offensive posture by subpoenaing Trump as a witness was met with overwhelming approval. In his arguments, Raskin planned to connect a three dimensional aspect to the events that transpired on January 6th; (1) a combustible, unrehearsed, spontaneous “riot” conducted by the general population who stormed the Capitol, (2) a violent, organized “insurrection” planned in advance and executed by paramilitary groups loyal to Trump, and (3) an attempted “coup”, schemed by Trump and his co-conspirators, and necessitating the vice president’s cooperation (which fortunately was not forthcoming) in rejecting slates of electors, thereby effecting a contingent election (favorable to Republicans) in the House of Representatives.Chapter 10* Raskin contemplated the efficacy of secret impeachment ballots in order to shield Senate Republicans who chose to vote their conscience for conviction from party backlash and repercussions, but he yielded to the inevitability that the ayes would be conspicuous by their very silence in the midst of the nays brazenly broadcasting their votes. Given Trump’s denial of incriminating evidence, based on fact, of his role in inciting mob insurrection on the Capitol, and his consequent failure to intervene, Raskin drafted a letter inviting him to formally refute the charges levied against him by testifying under oath. He received an unpolished response from Trump’s lawyers claiming that his invitation was mere grandstanding, and was an implied affront to the Constitutional provisions for impeachment. During the evening prior to Day 1 of the impeachment trial, while rehearsing his introductory speech before the managers, Raskin was overcome emotionally, the recitation of the lines of a poem in his presentation conjuring up the memory of witnessing Tommy’s poetic genius on display.Chapter 11*On the day of the impeachment trial, Raskin reflected on the precedent setting impeachment of Andrew Johnson, who was responsible for fomenting the decades long suppression of civil rights legislation by sabotaging Reconstruction in the South. Over a century and a half later, Donald Trump would be tried in the Senate for a violation equally reprehensible; that of knowingly and willfully inciting an insurrection at the United States Capitol. Following opening arguments, on a procedural vote to determine whether the former president fell under Senate jurisdiction for acts committed while in office, the impeachment trial would proceed by a 56-44 vote margin.Chapter 12*Raskin made a compelling case that, in the matter of inciting the insurrection, the underlying intent of Trump’s incendiary rhetoric, which was to remain in power by overturning the legitimate 2020 election results, superseded his First Amendment rights. In a coordinated effort, the impeachment team was relentless in hammering home the point that January 6th was premeditated by Donald Trump as a last ditch effort to salvage his presidency. On the eve of closing arguments, there was a building consensus that, by any conceivable measure, the evidence supporting Trump’s conviction was both indisputable and insurmountable.Chapter 13*While Trump’s lawyers attempted to downplay, as merely commonly used political jargon, Trump’s verbal agitations, such as “fight like hell”, addressed to a visibly belligerent mob, Raskin and his team focused on unmasking the obvious and literal contextual backdrop in which they were delivered. How ironic the cravenness of a false messiah who would mesmerize his blind followers with a stolen election conspiracy, and yet disavow any role in the predictable and violent outcomes which followed.Chapter 14*Notwithstanding a progressive outcry to call House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, an inveterate Trump sycophant, who pleaded with him to rein in the Capitol rioters, Raskin, with the blessings of Speaker Pelosi, went with his instinct to call GOP Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler, whose notes of McCarthy’s frantic conversation with Trump would serve as invaluable testimony against the “inciter in chief”. In his closing argument, Raskin appealed to the senators’ sense of patriotism to transcend partisan loyalty and political self interest. Although falling short of the requisite two thirds majority votes for conviction, the Senate Democrats were joined by seven intrepid Republicans, who broke ranks with their party, willing to sacrifice their political futures by voting per conscience versus expedience. Left with a range of conflicting emotions, from the self-doubt that occurs when hindsight suggests that we might have done some things differently, to the overwhelming and poignant satisfaction and reassurance that he and his team fought the good fight in the cause of American democracy, Raskin was greeted with appreciative adulation, from family, colleagues, constituents, and a large following of his fellow Americans, for selfless devotion to his country during a time of personal bereavement for the loss of his son.Epilogue*A memorial service for Tommy Raskin was held in April, 2021, and it was a fitting tribute for one who made such an impact on life’s global and existential causes during his fleeting and brief time among us. His spirit lives on in those influenced by his humanitarian endeavors, and a growing number of charities and organizations have been established in his name.*Four Capitol police officers were appropriately called as the first witnesses to testify before the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, each giving riveting testimony as embattled personal witnesses that the events on that day constituted unprovoked and unprecedented violence directed against our nation’s Capitol and those charged with its protection.*Whereas the 2020 attempt at overturning the legitimate election results failed, Raskin offers scenarios whereby the 2024 election, through gerrymandering and egregious political maneuvering, can fraudulently usher in a Trump presidency.*Raskin draws a parallel between the revisionism of the Confederacy’s “Lost Cause” fallacy, as rationale for the Civil War, with Trump’s “Stop the Steal” fantasy, embraced by his followers as justification for January 6th.*Raskin concludes with a loving tribute to his son, who was willing to confront the evil, inequity, and injustice in a world he ultimately saw as righteously, equitably, and compassionately redeemable.

Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy by Jamie Raskin“Unthinkable” is an excellent memoir by Congressman Jamie Raskin. Raskin deals with two unthinkable traumas: the tragic suicide death of his beloved 25-year old son, Tommy, and the violent insurrection that took place on January 6, 2021. This is one of the best memoirs I have ever read. This captivating 444-page includes fourteen chapters broken out into three parts.Positives:1. A professional-written, heartfelt book.2. As interesting a topic as you will find, dealing with two unthinkable traumas simultaneously: suicide of a beloved son and the January 6 Insurrection.3. Heartfelt thoughts throughout the book. “If a person can grow through unthinkable trauma and loss, perhaps a nation may, too.”4. In some respects this book is a tribute to Raskin’s beloved son, Tommy. His presence and thoughts are imprinted in this book and that’s a good thing. “The theme of Tommy’s life was comprehensively “utilitarian,” as Tabitha put it: always advancing the greatest good for the greatest number of people—and the greatest number of animals, maximal happiness and justice all around.” “Tommy was born to be a provocative public thinker and a humanitarian activist.”5. Raskin shares his wisdom and some thoughts are profound indeed. “I have not put the strategic clues together, but I do hear a voice in my head: Attention must be paid to the mundane details. This is how authoritarianism will infiltrate your society and control your life, one little aggression at a time.”6. Describes the foundation of his political career. “The lessons we learned through Democracy Summer in 2006 became the basis for my public service and the building blocks for my state senate reelection campaigns in 2010 and 2014.”7. Examines his son’s mental health challenges. “We found him a good psychiatrist from Maryland, who diagnosed his depression and an overlay of obsessive-compulsive disorder, an anxiety disorder that often accompanies and aggravates depression. The combination was dangerous because obsessive and intrusive thoughts can cause a depressed person to replay self-destructive messages on a perpetual feedback loop.”8. Trump’s mishandling of COVID-19. “The U.S. response to COVID-19 was a historic debacle that will be studied forever as a test case for public health catastrophes, what not to do when a pandemic happens.”9. Examines the failures of the Electoral College system. “But even with all that popular organizing, the Electoral College still threatens democracy because it does not respect majority rule and catapulted popular vote losers to the White House in two of the last six elections; it consistently sidelines more than three-quarters of Americans, those living in “safe” red or blue states, as irrelevant spectators to the real contest in swing states; and it offers constant opportunities and temptations for strategic mischief to nullify popular majorities.”10. Examines whether or not election fraud was committed in 2020 elections. “No court ever found any systematic election fraud against Trump.” “But Trump’s failure to pluck off the states one-by-one was not his last maneuver. For he had his final card to play, and it turned out to be colossal and epic, the most significant and dangerous move yet in his hell-bent campaign to overthrow the actual election. Trump turned his attention to blocking recognition of Biden’s electoral vote majority on Wednesday, January 6.”11. The impact of Fox News. “This fact-free, logic-impaired discourse is the daily bread fed to Fox News viewers, but is becoming a lethal threat to critical thinking in our besieged democratic republic.”12. Explains the three rings of Trump’s coup attempt. “In my mind, I was beginning to see three different concentric rings to the action: (1) on the outside ring, a mass protest organized on social media that had turned into mass riots, (2) in the middle ring, a violent insurrection outside the Capitol led by domestic extremist and paramilitary groups that massively breached the Capitol and shut down the vote counting, and (3) at the center, Trump and his team’s manipulation of all the chaos to try to execute a coup against his vice president and the Congress by overthrowing the 2020 election results and replacing them with a Trump victory in a House contingent election and adding perhaps a healthy dose of martial law to calm everything down.”13. Absurdities exposed. “Yet here Gaetz was, already launching the new January 6 corollary to the Big Lie: it wasn’t a Trump mob that had stormed Congress; it was Antifa.”14. Examines how Trump was in violation of the Domestic Emoluments Clause. “For centuries, it also would have been unthinkable for officers in the executive branch of government to be sent to stay at public expense at the president’s own hotels, to eat at his restaurants, to play at his golf clubs, or to enter into contracts with his other business entities. It would have been unimaginable that the president’s businesses would rent federal property or rake in millions of dollars from federal government disbursements.”15. Trump’s MO exposed. “Trump’s apparently unceasing collection of unlawful foreign government and domestic government payments was not some kind of accidental side grift. To me, it was his core business model and paramount personal commitment while in office.”16. Trump’s Insurrection. Liz Cheney’s statement. “The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution.”17. Describes losing a son. “But my experience of losing Tommy is dominated by misery and suffering, suffocating darkness, a free fall into despair.”18. A look at violence versus democracy. “For Tommy, violence was the enemy of humanity and of all living things. The purpose of democracy and its operating system, the law, was to control, even to end, political violence, state violence, criminal violence, racial violence, gender violence, mob violence, the deliberate and needless infliction of pain and suffering on others. The purpose of democracy is to dignify and uplift each person on his or her path in life, to address misfortune as best we can, to make this life a gentler proposition.”19. Throughout the book Raskin examines Trump’s failed coup attempt via the insurrection. “The video began with Trump’s repeated exhortations and incitements to the increasingly agitated mob: “We will stop the steal . . . When you catch somebody in a fraud you’re allowed to go by very different rules . . . We won the election and won it by landslide, and now we’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and I’ll be with you . . . I hope Mike has the courage to do what he needs to do . . . If you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore.””20. Examines the second impeachment against Trump. “Trump was the town fire chief, who is paid to put out fires, but who instead sends a mob to set the theater on fire. Then, when the fire alarms go off and the calls for help start flooding the fire department, he does nothing but sit back, encourage the mob to continue its arson, and watch on TV, with unmitigated glee and delight, as the fire spreads.”21. Eye-opening lack of action by Trump. “Donald Trump’s refusal not only to send help but also his decision to continue to further incite the insurgents against his own vice president—his own vice president—provides further decisive evidence of both his intent to start this violent insurrection and his continued incitement once the attack had begun to override the Capitol.””22. A final closing statement that captures Trump’s influence. “The nation is, therefore, in a fundamentally uncertain and perilous place: the twice-impeached Trump should be a pariah and outlaw in mainstream American political culture, but instead he is the undisputed master of one of our two major political parties and continues to dominate many of the levers of political power in the country.”23. Includes photo section.Negatives:1. As much as I loved this book it was at times unnecessarily verbose.2. A lot of what’s in the book was known to the public.3. No links to notes.In summary, one of the best memoirs you will ever read. Jamie Raskin describes dealing with the loss of his son and Trump’s failed coup attempt. What makes this memoir great is that it beautifully honors the life of Jamie Raskin’s son, Tommy. His wisdom is imprinted all over this book; Raskin’s love for his son is heartfelt. It also does a great job of describing the January 6 insurrection from a personal and political point of view. An excellent book from a much respected and admired congressman, Jamie Raskin. I highly recommend it!Further suggestions: “Prosecution of an Insurrection: The Complete Trial Transcript of the Second Impeachment of Donald Trump” the House Impeachment Managers and the House Defense, “Betrayal” by Jonathan Karl, “Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth: The President's Falsehoods, Misleading Claims and Flat-Out Lies” by Glenn Kessler, “Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever” by Rick Wilson, “Fear” by Bob Woodward, “Fire and Fury” by Michael Wolff, and “Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic” by David Frum.

Jamie Raskin has written an account of what happened when our Capitol was breached by lawless Insurrectionists on January 6th. All of these events enfolded as the Raskin family suffered the loss of their Son Tommy.He details the pathway to Impeachment for a lawless president who will do anything to keep a grip on Power. He explores events leading up to that act, the need for a second impeachment, and the investigation into the desecration of the Capitol as a plot to stop the electoral confirmation in which Joseph Biden became President.As a Constitutional law professor, he knows the Constitution, and uses his knowledge to explore why it happened and who caused it, and where we go from here..Representative Raskin , despite his profound grief, dedicates himself to the needs of his country and its citizens. It is an excellent account of what happens when someone can't accept defeat and does everything imaginable to hold onto power.Thanks to the dedication and responsible nature of Representative Raskin, we go into that day through the eyes of someone who is extremely well-versed in history, the Constitution, impeachment, and where we go now. His knowledge of the laws of the land and his resolution to help his country make this a compelling read.Sincere appreciation to Mr Raskin for putting the needs of his country ahead of his own broken heart.An excellent account of how to respond and survive when the unthinkable happens.

The Artist's Guide to Grant Writing: How to Find Funds and Write Foolproof Proposals for the Visual, Literary, and Performing Artist
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