Sql Guide (Quick Study: SQL)

by: Inc. BarCharts (0)

4-page laminated guide includes:
·overview of SQL ·databases ·delimiters/operators ·order of operations ·DDL ·DML

The Reviews

Virtually useless. Aside from the obvious glaring flaws - namely tiny print broken up into two or three columns per page -gee whiz what are they thinking. I have to add that information is virtually useless half of it if you don't know it you shouldn't be getting this guide so called.And then what is most Grievous sin- completely incompetent choice of commands displayed using the most ridiculous color arrangement I could think of.Other than that it's fine.

I had high hopes for this guide however after receiving it and then logging into microsoft SSMS at work and started to query the DB, I opened up my new handy SQL laminated guide and realize that it is NOT VERY HELPFUL if your just wanting to become familiar with running queries. The color coding and lamination of the guide seems like a good idea but as others stated, this may be good for other SQL related activities but it is not for queries.I will try to return and find something else. Dissappointed.

It's a nice guide. It includes a lot of information about the database side of things. I wish it had more focus on queries. There is a lot information packed into each page which results in very small print.

For some reason the author decided to present the DDL as primary...perhaps that's the right approach for a DBA quick ref .. but I bet most users of this guide will never be using DDL..So they will use only the back page. Programmers will get to flip from the back page for select statements and clauses back to the front for data typesSuboptimal..Also for some reason clauses are defined before the main statement...the exact opposite of the standard top down approach....Makes no sense to me.

I recently went off to Epic for a class in Clarity reporting and SQL. It became pretty clear pretty quick I needed something like this and was very pleased to find this quick reference. It's colorful, nice quality, and laminated. I've recommended it to my classmates.

Came partially do you laminated however it was useful for what it was. Probably would’ve returned it if I didn’t need to study

Laminate QRC is the best - useful at work without having to rely on google too much.

There is alot of info on here but trying to figure out what its telling you is a different story. Its a plastic bi fold out 4 pages full of statements but little to no context other than the header its not easy to decipher. The font is super tiny very hard to read, and

I am a long time fan of this laminated study guide.I have one on a number of subjects that I am interested in. They are quick and to the point with no room for any filler text.

Has good info but small print. Even with bifocals too small for me.

This is a great product, I would order again.

Great reference guide.This guide has come in handy on several occasions.

Great tool for anyone learning to do queries on SQL. I use it all the time. All the pertinent information at my fingertips, so I dont have to go back to my books


A useful reference guide for quickly looking up basic and some advanced SQL syntax.

Great quick guide.

Great quick help guide for regular SQL users!

pretty good. i'm glad I bought it

helps with SQL

Beginner to SQL programming, but this quick study guide helps if you somewhat know the terminology.

Clear concise info, well organized



I'm a code surgeon and this lives in my doctor bag. These guides are great tools and usually give me the answer I'm looking for, or at least point me in the right direction.

Laminated. Sleek design. Great for anyone interested in SQL. Easy to clean!


Perfect for me as I learn. Have a book of these. Handy refreshers and good for daily use.

Great information

Useful item to keep around the computer room.

Great guide and reference for sql beginners

Love the quick guide.

It is a tip card, hard to screw it up. It covers everything I need.

Super helpful and effective format &tips!

Sql Guide (Quick Study: SQL)
⭐ 4.5 💛 1514
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