The Product Book: How to Become a Great Product Manager

by: Product School (0)

"No one asked you to show up." Every experienced product manager has heard some version of those words at some point in their career. Think about a company. Engineers build the product. Designers make sure it has a great user experience and looks good. Marketing makes sure customers know about the product. Sales get potential customers to open their wallets to buy the product. What more does a company need? What does a product manager do?

Based upon Product School’s curriculum, which has helped thousands of students become great product managers, The Product Book answers that question. Filled with practical advice, best practices, and expert tips, this book is here to help you succeed!

Product School offers product management classes taught by real-world product managers, working at renowned tech companies like Google, Facebook, Snapchat, Airbnb, LinkedIn, PayPal, Netflix and more. The classes are designed to fit into your work schedule, and the campuses are conveniently located in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York.

The Quotes

At a high level, company goals fall into three categories: growth, revenue, and customer satisfaction.

PMs manage products, not people, so they must achieve everything using soft influence, effective communication, leadership, and trust—not orders.

Project managers are masters of schedules and Gantt charts, not of representing customers.

The Reviews

The Product Book is a great book: gives great coverage of the product environment and general and the non-controversial tools that every Product Manager should be aware of and probably using.What the book is not: a field manual. If you are product person who still needs to evangelize in their organization, this book is a great reference.

Nice, soft, and non-overloaded overview and introduction into the nature of the Product Management life. Most of the criticism seems to come from people who already have a career in product management or have done substantial learning on the topic. This book is clearly not for them. Also, it is not the "Get hired as Product Manager" book. I would recommend it to the people who want all-encompassing knowledge of what a Product Manager does at their job. Yes, it has plenty of mentions of other books. When you work as a Product Manager, you will read plenty of other books. It is actually a great place to find out which books on what topics to read to become an awesome product manager.

I have several product management books, and I almost never reach for this one because it doesn’t have an index. This means I’m never able to use it for quick reference.The material I do manage to find is very general. It’s potentially useful if you’re looking to get into product management, but I can’t recommend it over anything else - especially when other books utilize an index.

A very good material, it consolidates all the important information needed for this function.

Book content is good but the binding/printing is very low quality. All the pages are very loosely secured and keep falling out of the book!

This book is a very good fieldbook, especially for newbie product managers into the modern product management. The book takes the reader through its logical progression, and builds upon ideas to help the reader understand what are the key activities at each step of the journey. I would highly recommend for anyone looking to make a career as a product manager, and in general anyone involved in product development in any role.

I was excited when I heard about this book and was quick to purchase it.Because Success Matters, my interest in Marketing and Storytelling has compelled me to purchase this book.My goal of being an effective communicator is a good goal, and this book as an effective tool can be used towards that goal.I'm grateful for all the efforts, knowledge, and time that was taken for its creation.Thank you,Bert

Maybe some of these negative reviews are down to it being too software or startup-specific? I thought it was great, simple to pick up on the techniques and found some new ones too. Worth a read for any PM.

This is a great book that covers all the basics that a product manager goes through with excellent recommendations. If you’re new to PM o ever even think of becoming one, this book will be your test. After reading this you’ll know if product management is for you.

This book provides a detailed structure on how to approach your product. It also opens the door to many other important books through its references.

Book covers the role well top down and end to end. With deep dives in relevant sections that you can then go deeper in outside the book.

As an aspiring PM, this book is a great road map to growing my skills in the field. I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to grow as a product manager.

Nice, soft, and non-overloaded overview and introduction into the nature of the Product Management life. Most of the criticism seems to come from people who already have a career in product management or have done substantial learning on the topic. This book is clearly not for them. Also, it is not the "Get hired as Product Manager" book. I would recommend it to the people who want all-encompassing knowledge of what a Product Manager does at their job. Yes, it has plenty of mentions of other books. When you work as a Product Manager, you will read plenty of other books. It is actually a great place to find out which books on what topics to read to become an awesome product manager.

The Product Book: How to Become a Great Product Manager
⭐ 4.5 💛 578
paperback: $378.34
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