The Artist's Way at Work: Riding the Dragon

by: Mark Bryan (0)

After the publication of the bestselling book The Artists' Way, Julia Cameron and Mark Bryan, co-creators of the country's most successful course on creativity, were often told that their techniques helped people achieve their business goals. This spurred them to refine the methods to help people perform more creatively and effectively at work. The program is revealed in The Artists' Way at Work: a twelve-week encounter with your own ingenuity, struggles, strengths and dreams -- as well as the political guidance to enable you to get things done.

Through powerful self-assessment exercises with intriguing titles such as "Power Inside vs. Power Outside," "Developing Creative Continuity," and "Finding Your Truth," readers learn to release their creative spirit at work and tap reserves of energy, vision, and passion. The Artists' Way at Work will help you excel in your job, launch the business of your dreams, or find the career you love. Best of all, you will learn to "live in the paradox" -- to develop a personal philosophy of excellence that sustains you, whatever the future holds.

The processes in this book are rooted in cutting-edge principles of human development, organizational behavior, and the arts. They have been rigorously tested among business audiences and will unleash a degree of satisfaction at work (and in life) you may never have believed possible. For every one of us who works, The Artists' Way at Work reveals a completely new way to thrive.

The Reviews

I have not yet read Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way". And I happened to borrow "The Artist's Way at Work" from the library. After renewing it twice, I realized this is a book I must own, a book I reference over and over.... I've already shared some of the exercises with a client and seen amazing results (the Affirmations + the Blurts). I am very familiar with the former but the blurts put a very interesting spin ... instead of just saying the affirmation, we listen to that inner critic in his or her language and we reverse the thought.The quotations on the side of the book are a remarkable collection of beautiful, inspiring, and punchy thoughts that arouse your curiosity and awaken that creativity which is the centerpiece of the book. The Riding the Dragon concept adds a visual, a fantasy and in a way it empowers you to think and see yourself as that dragon going through awakening and transformation. I feel this is a book that truly brings out the creativity within you.I have to add that I find it very hard to apply this book to the corporate environment. I no longer am a corporate junkie but for 11+ years that was my life and I can't see how this would have been perceived anywhere but how do I really know for sure? I don't! I simply can't because I never tried ... and I feel that if I were back in that cubicle, this book might have helped me find an inner haven and perhaps helped me bring out in such a way that it might have been appreciated.I can't wait to get my hard-cover copy that I Just ordered and so I can finally return the library copy :)! If you want to tap into the creativity that lives within you, this book is for you! Hope this review was helpful.

I have done several run throughs of the Artists Way last decade (oh those U turns really got me in the end).Still little by little got more and more unblocked. Amazing, that.Got this one from the library just to see how different this one would be from the original Artists Way.I figured i have reshaped and moulded my job into something i really like, yet wondered if i could transition into something else eventually. I am only at the end of week two a month later, so had to buy the book to continue at my own pace, and am doing the tools by transferring them over to several big issues that i've had for awhile. Amazing what comes up when treating an issue like a person etc. Had some startling insights that integrated parts of me that i never even saw in NLP class! woohoo. I can just imagine by week ten it'll be "stand back boys... varrooooooom!!".. yes, amazing..have i mentioned amazing? nothing like me getting reintroduced to me!

This is being used as a textbook in my masters class. Although it has very good content and information that I find useful I find myself totally frustrated by the lack of page number support. YOU ARE UNABLE TO PROPERLY CITE FROM THIS E-BOOK if you need this for a class DO NOT BUY IT!!!!!! I just had to order an actual copy to continue my class. How utterly obvious that people need page numbers for coursework. I do not buy into the "its the publishers fault" get it together Amazon I won't ever touch a digital kindle book ever again for this reason.

Very thought provoking in ways I did not expect. A great journey to understanding me and how I do business as an artist. Yes, sometimes I do believe it is like trying to train a dragon, lol.

This book is a good read and helpful. It helped me to focus and actually manage and relieve stress. I am more focused about my life and where I want to go. The journey is well worth it. Definitely this book is a masterpiece and helps you discover how much of a masterpiece each of us were created to be.

The book served its purpose (in my MBA leadership course) and was less than other online sites.

I have every one of Julia Camerons books. I am well pleased with her message and her mission to steer creatives in the right direction. Very well written and encouraging. A must for every creative - be it a writer, artist, photographer... whatever your avenue or direction.

I am enjoying it. Tape two has a stop in it but then I restart. Annoying. But the content is very good.

The Artist's Way at Work: Riding the Dragon
⭐ 4.3 💛 97
kindle: $11.99
paperback: $1.81
hardcover: $2.08
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