How To Price Your Art: Pricing with Confidence for Sales & Profit

by: Matt Tommey (0)

How to Price Your Art is a comprehensive guide that enables visual artists to price their work confidently and with profit in mind. Whether you are new to pricing your art or have been an artist for years and are simply wanting to develop a pricing strategy for your art business, this book will give you everything you need.

You can absolutely learn how to price your artwork with confidence inside the pages of this book. And I’d love to show you how, especially if you’re still pricing your art based on what you “think” it’s worth and constantly second-guessing yourself.

Knowing how to price your art means the difference between barely making ends meet and actually making money with your art. It enables you to build your art business, create income and have the impact you dream of as an artist. It’s the difference between an expensive hobby and a profitable business.

If you’re like most artists, knowing how to price your art is a constant frustration which takes the joy right out of creating. Add to that the confusion of trying to understand how things like where you live, the type of art you create and your experience level fit in to your pricing and it can be downright overwhelming!

Thankfully, pricing your artwork doesn’t have to be a mystery, anymore!

Inside this book, I’ll teach you:

  • 7 Factors that Determine Art Pricing
  • An Easy Pricing Formula for Pricing Your Art
  • How to Make a Profit on Every Sale
  • 5 Keys to Creating a Pricing Strategy
  • Why Fear of Raising Your Prices is All In Your Head
  • My Biggest Pricing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Plus you’ll be getting a copy of my Art Pricing Worksheet which will make pricing your art super easy for you.

I’ll also be covering important topics including:

  • Why Uniqueness Commands Higher Prices
  • How to Price for Retail, Wholesale & Consignment
  • Perception Influences Pricing
  • Accounting for Packing, Shipping & Taxes
  • Where to Start If You’ve Never Sold Anything
  • How to Create Multiple Price Points
  • Knowing When to Increase Your Prices
  • Should you list your prices on your website?
  • Discounts & Bonuses

Every day that goes by you’re not pricing your art profitably is one more day that’s costing you the time, money, freedom and impact you were designed to make in the world. The longer you keep doing this, the more money you’re literally throwing down the drain.

The Reviews

If you are wondering if this book is helpful—it is!!! It is relatively short, easy to read, but every page has valuable information. It is NOT full of fluff with a few good insights, it is loaded with useful information. This book addressed some exact questions I had about selling my art. My next art sale after reading this book was nearly tripled in income, and the uncertainty and questions I had concerning selling my art are gone!

Matt Tommey’s books have always been well read, highlighted and earmarked in my journey as an artist since I discovered his teachings a few years ago. His newest book, “How to Price Your Art”, is mind-blowing informative, openly honest in his own journey, easy to follow and a quick few hours read well worth your time. It may only take you a few hours to read through, but I recommend highlighting as you go, then go back, re-read and then sit down with his pricing tool download sheet and do the work for yourself. I found I was highlighting three-quarters of the book itself. YES! It’s that good! It gives you much food for thought and calculations to help you figure out where you are in pricing, what needs to go into it ( and why) and how to do it with as much precision as you can. It is by far the best I’ve read on this topic and much needed for so many of us artists. My husband has been telling me for years I’ve been underpricing my work. Through using the formulas Matt has laid out in his book I found I certainly was undercutting myself by not taking several things into consideration that absolutely should have been included. The whole book makes complete sense and is easily understandable. It takes the guesswork out of pricing when you take into consideration what Matt has generously laid out here. If you are an artist of any kind who doesn’t understand why you aren’t making a profit from your work, this book is absolutely necessary. It will open your eyes and give you the tools you need to get it right. I highly recommend this book!

I cannot rave enough about all the Matt Tommey books! This one was a HUGE blessing to me. Not only is it informative, but it's approachable and fun to read. Matt uses his marketing background and super successful art journey to give you user friendly tools and a new way of thinking! Before hearing about Matt Tommey, I had read other books that gave a few good pieces of advice. This book has golden nuggets on every page. It is a must read for artists who are tired of striving and are ready to start THRIVING!

Kinda expecting more but the book gave good incites, but not as many on what to consider in pricing one’s art. But I feel wanting.

I am in Matt Tommey's mentoring program, and there hasn't been a book that he has written that I have not loved and gleaned a lot of wisdom from. He will help you as an artist to never underprice your art work ever again. Your worth it!!

This book gives great insight into pricing one's art so that one can make their art more than a hobby; business instead. Helpful and practical.

GREAT information - leading the artist in a step by step process to price their art AND even giving you several ways to approach this task!

This is an amazing book that takes the guessing out of how to price your art and instead teaches you howdetermine the real value of your work.Super great book. Easy read.

Matt Tommey’s books have always been well read, highlighted and earmarked in my journey as an artist since I discovered his teachings a few years ago. His newest book, “How to Price Your Art”, is mind-blowing informative, openly honest in his own journey, easy to follow and a quick few hours read well worth your time. It may only take you a few hours to read through, but I recommend highlighting as you go, then go back, re-read and then sit down with his pricing tool download sheet and do the work for yourself. I found I was highlighting three-quarters of the book itself. YES! It’s that good! It gives you much food for thought and calculations to help you figure out where you are in pricing, what needs to go into it ( and why) and how to do it with as much precision as you can. It is by far the best I’ve read on this topic and much needed for so many of us artists. My husband has been telling me for years I’ve been underpricing my work. Through using the formulas Matt has laid out in his book I found I certainly was undercutting myself by not taking several things into consideration that absolutely should have been included. The whole book makes complete sense and is easily understandable. It takes the guesswork out of pricing when you take into consideration what Matt has generously laid out here. If you are an artist of any kind who doesn’t understand why you aren’t making a profit from your work, this book is absolutely necessary. It will open your eyes and give you the tools you need to get it right. I highly recommend this book!

How To Price Your Art: Pricing with Confidence for Sales & Profit
⭐ 4.7 💛 71
paperback: $12.10
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