Head First Java: A Brain-Friendly Guide

by: Kathy Sierra (0)

What will you learn from this book?

Head First Java is a complete learning experience in Java and object-oriented programming. With this book, you'll learn the Java language with a unique method that goes beyond how-to manuals and helps you become a great programmer. Through puzzles, mysteries, and soul-searching interviews with famous Java objects, you'll quickly get up to speed on Java's fundamentals and advanced topics including lambdas, streams, generics, threading, networking, and the dreaded desktop GUI. If you have experience with another programming language, Head First Java will engage your brain with more modern approaches to coding--the sleeker, faster, and easier to read, write, and maintain Java of today.

What's so special about this book?

If you've read a Head First book, you know what to expect--a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works. If you haven't, you're in for a treat. With Head First Java, you'll learn Java through a multisensory experience that engages your mind, rather than by means of a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.

The Reviews

This book is incredible and amazing for learning Java!! Such a fun read that makes it easier to understand. Highly recommend.

“Head First Java” is an amazing book for getting started with Java. It's fun to read, covers lots of materials and does an amazing job reinforcing the material. I particularly like the variety of exercises including the crossword puzzles.This book has been updated for Java 17. A big jump from the previous edition which pre-dated Java 8. As one would expect, there is a good explanation of Java's numbering scheme. Some new concepts are mixed in and others are included in an appendix of top 10 (well 11, but we are programmers so off by one is fitting!) While some advanced concepts aren't covered, everything a beginner should know is in here. There's even a reference to modules so you can understand the JavaDoc. (Don't worry, you won't be creating modules.)Lots of examples are fun like the race between the procedural and OO coders and the battleship example. I particularly liked the “Getting in touch with your inner class” from the author of “who moved my char.” The pictures are great for attracting the reader's attention. In my case, I was reading the book on the train and a baby kept poking at the page. A little distracting. But definitely drew attention.I like how the book builds up. For example lambdas are covered when showing how to make a comparator and then in more detail in chapter 12. I love the stream analogy as a recipe – nothing happens until you cook it!There is one thing that prevents me from giving this book a perfect review. (But still five stars) Swing. Starting chapter 14, Swing has a big presence in the next four chapters. Swing isn't used much in new code. I understand why they chose it. And I appreciate that page 464 explains this choice to the reader. While I wish the book didn't cover Swing, it is overall an amazing book.

This book does care for your head a lot. Coz authors present each topic in hilarious way that you will never get bored to finish reading this book. I can assure you that you will grasp the underlying concept of Java so quick; especially for beginners this is book has to be the second bible to have a life in the world of java programming. Having said that I read through the 2nd Ed of it, I do believe the third Ed is more fun to read. The same book helped me to pass Java OCA exam. Whatever book written by Bert and Kathy should be on your shelf; I had head Head first Design Pattern on mine.

I read CTCI and a Java Interview book first, tried to read Effective Java and things like Interfaces and Generics didn't quite click. This is where I should've started, it hits the big points that differentiate Java so much from the Python I'm used to. I'm little more than halfway through and can't wait to see what's next. Highly recommend, especially if you're coming from Python land.

This book is easy to consume.

I highly recommend this book for those starting from scratch and enjoy visual learning methods. The concepts are easy to learn and the author breaks down any possible question that a beginner might have.

I've ordered about 3-4 different books to supplement my Java course I'm currently in, but each was just as confusing as the one prior. This one is the BEST I have encountered so far, truly explains things at an understandable level. If you must order one Java book for learning, this is the one!!!!

Okay, so... I thought maybe I'd try learning in a new way. The reviews made it sound so good and easy-to-follow. And in fairness, it is packed full of useful information.For me, though, the extras were just too much distraction from the content. I guess I'm more of a technical, "just hurry up and give me the info so I can do my job"-type reader. I knew it wasn't a reference-type book upfront. But I'm a software engineer by trade, and I wanted a nice refresher on Java, as I'm transitioning job roles after focusing mainly on front-end work for the last few years.For my own personal learning style, this book was frustrating, and I ended up getting a different one. However, most reviewers seem to disagree with me. So, from another perspective, if you're just casually studying... or, if little activities, pictures, and faux-hand-written, punny notes and so forth, help you to learn, this book is probably a good fit. The activities do actually seem helpful and fun, and I may even do some of them when I have more time for a fun read. It does have tons good information, and if you're that kind of learner, I do recommend it. It's just probably not meant for a boring, dry, technical supernerd like myself.

Definitely helped fill in the concepts that I was missing in my college class. Did a better job teaching me Java than my college professor.

The material is fine, but I bought and paid for "new" and instead received a copy in "very good" condition. Not cool.

I find the style of this book engaging and easy to read and that helps me learn the concepts.

Excellent book recommended 100%.

Head First Java: A Brain-Friendly Guide
⭐ 4.8 💛 98
kindle: $17.60
paperback: $22.76
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