Master Modern JavaScript Fast: The Most Complete Beginner’s Guide: And The Weird Parts Explained: (This book will guide you step by step to conquer JavaScript even if you new to programming!) -

by: Rick Sekuloski (0)

The Most Complete JavaScript Guide

Master JavaScript and start making money as a junior developer. Best step by step complete mentorship quire that will ensure you learn JavaScript and never miss out on job opportunities.

Who is this book for?

This book is for everyone who wants to learn how to write clean code and develop new skills to ensure access to the
IT industry.

Why would I want to learn a programming language? As an example, the tech market in the USA accounts for 32% of the total market, which is approximately $1.7 trillion for 2020/21.

What does this mean for you?

his means there is a shortage of developers and programmers; therefore, learning one of the hottest programming languages is always a good idea. Simple, knowing JavaScript will ensure you will never run out of job opportunities.

What is included in this JavaScript book? JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages on the web. This book is up to date and includes the 2021 version of JavaScript with important concepts like objects, arrays, functions, classes, loops, iterations, and much more. You will learn how to make your website more interactive and user-friendly. You’ll find easy and engaging examples throughout this book. The examples that are included will teach you how to write JavaScript scripts from scratch step by step.
In this book, there will be a lot of screenshots from the examples, and you can download them from the GitHub repository. The screenshots will help me explain to explain you the complex concepts in a visual way.

Do I need to be a developer to learn JavaScript?

This book is for everyone that wants to take their programming skills to the next. JavaScript is a language that anyone can learn. There are many chapters included where you will learn the language from the bottom up, starting with the most basic things that all newbies can understand.
Some of the topics included are:
  • Data Types
  • Values, Variables, Expressions
  • Objects
  • Operators and Statements
  • Arrays
  • Functions, Classes
  • MAP & SET
  • Try, Catch, Finally
  • Error Handling
  • DOM
  • Events
  • AJAX
  • And much more...

If you're looking to create more enriching web experiences, then this is the book for you. Please click on Add to Cart and start your journey.

The Reviews

This is a very good book about Javascript with all of details you will ever need. The author is extremely clear with the explanations and the examples are nice, clear and spot on. I have other books where the examples are never complete or just code snippets so you could not get the full picture. Definitely recommended this one as it is very nice for beginners or intermediate devs.

Master Modern JavaScript Fast: The Most Complete Beginner’s Guide: And The Weird Parts Explained: (This book will guide you step by step to conquer JavaScript even if you new to programming!) -
⭐ 4.4 💛 7
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